Our Very Own. Running Into Memories.

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The guys had games the whole week but they were off on Saturday and Sunday. I told Aaron to meet me at South Street Seaport on Saturday night after he had lunch with his parents.

I was sitting by the water on the east end and I saw a family with Yankees apparel on and one little boy spotted me and came over. He knew who I was from TV.

The little boy's name was Kevin.

Hi I'm Kevin.
Me: Hi Kevin. I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.
Kevin: You are Aaron's wife aren't you?
Me: You are very smart yes I am. He is actually on his way here if you want to meet him.
Kevin: Oh my gosh thank you! I love him so much! He's my favorite!
Me: He's mine too sweetie. Ask your parents if it is okay if you wait.
Kevin: Mom! Dad! Come here!

The parents walked over and they smiled knowing who I was also.

The dad's name was John and the mother Candice.

They said it was okay if he stayed. I told them I would watch him and they said that they would be back in a couple of minutes because they had to run an errand. Kevin was about 10 years old and he was the sweetest little boy ever!

Kevin: Is Aaron coming?
Me: Actually look behind you.

Kevin looked behind him and Aaron was there with a smile on his face knowing the little boy had his jersey on.

Kevin: Can I take a picture with you Mr. Judge?
Aaron: Call me Aaron bud. Yes you can. How about I sign that ball for you too!
Kevin: That would be amazing thank you!

As Aaron signed the ball and took pictures with Kevin his parents came back and they got their pictures as well. Such amazing people I really wished everyone was like this but sometimes you don't always get what you want.

Kevin: It was nice meeting you both.
Me: You too Kevin.

I shook hands with the parents and Aaron said something to them that made Kevin smile even more.

Aaron: Here is my number. Pick any couple of games you guys want to attended and I will make sure you get a meet and greet with the team and seats behind home plate.

Kevin: OH MY GOSH!!!!!! AHHH IM SO HAPPY!!!!
Aaron: I know you are bud! My wife was just as happy when she married me.
John: Aaron Thank you you are too kind.
Candice: You are such a wonderful soul. We definitely will let you know.
Aaron: Good and your welcome.

After the good byes and hugs were said Aaron sat down next to me with a smile on his face.

Me: I love this side of you!
Aaron: I haven't seen a kid so happy with his family in such a long time. It was a good feeling to do that.
Me: That's why NY loves you babe. You not only support your team on and off the field but you give back. Boone was telling me about the first time you came to the Yankees and he was nothing but more than happy to have you here!
Aaron: He's a good guy. I learned a lot from him.
Me: Yeah he is. He knows his stuff.
Aaron: Definitely honey. Anyways why did you want me to come here?
Me: I actually wanted to show you my favorite spot to come when I need time to think. It really shows you the beauty of NYC.
Aaron: I might come here more often. It is really great.
Me: I told you! :) We should come here when you have days off and you want to get away for a little while.
Aaron: That would be nice.

We walked around and near the Piers we saw a large crowd and really didn't know what was going on. Of course Aaron stopped to take pictures and sign things with people who spotted him and knew him but there weren't that many.

Aaron: Honey I think this is a concert.
Me: Yeah it looks like it.

I walked to the front with Aaron behind me and I saw on the side of the barricade a band was labeled. I looked at the band and my face and body froze. The band was on stage so they didn't notice anyone on the sides.

"Earning His Love" (A New York Yankees Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin