Coach Boone's Visit. :)

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As I was continuing to cook that day I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked to it and Coach was at the door with a smile on his face.

Coach: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Coach how are you?
Coach: I'm okay. And you?
Me: Couldn't be better. :)
Coach: Good. :) I'm glad. :)

As he walked through the house and walked into the kitchen with me I gave him a water and he sat at the island.

Coach: Where's Aaron?
Me: Want to see.
Coach: Yep.

I opened up the shade for the door that lead out to the porch.

Coach: Now that is a sight to see.
Me: Right?
Coach: Has he been like this all day?
Me: Yep. Since this morning.
Coach: I know I was like that when my first was born.
Me: Really?
Coach: Oh yeah. Days off that's where I was. Not partying with the other players but home with my little one.
Me: That's what he is doing now. :)
Coach: His name is Conner right?
Me: Yep. Conner Evan.
Coach: Nice name. :D
Me: Can you give me some advice on how I should be able to cope with being a mom because it hasn't fully sunk in yet.
Coach: Well I told my wife to do the best she can because babies always realize that not everyone is perfect. You always have to be patient and calm with them. They will always know when you are nervous and they will always detect a stranger.
Me: Wow I didn't know that.
Coach: I learned the hard way. I'm glad you are asking me these questions.
Me: Yeah I need someone who has been a father already.
Coach: This is good. You know who else you can ask.
Me: Who?
Coach: CC and Amber. They can tell you. Always gotta be on your toes too because once you move onto your next kid the first one is going to get jealous but you also need to tell the first one that you will always be there for them.
Me: Thank you. I will use that advice.
Coach: Good. Now as for Mr. All Rise he's going to be just fine. Conner I guarantee you knows who his parents are. He knows when you hold him and he knows when his father holds him. It is just who they are. I know when I looked at Judge for the first time it was like I saw myself in him. Very humble guy but always learns from his mistakes and lessons around the clock. He knows his clock work and I praise him for that because he has a lot of characteristics that some players don't have.
Me: I noticed that the first time I met him. When he walked up to the plate the day I met him and I locked eyes with him I knew. I just knew.
Coach: That connection is what you should always look for Sarah. That will help you with who you are and with who he is.
Me: Thank you. :)
Coach: Your welcome.

As Aaron walked back inside with an awake and happy Conner he smiled at Coach.

Aaron: Hey coach. How long have you been here?
Coach: Just a little while Aaron. I saw you feeding Conner.
Aaron: How was I?
Coach: It was like you were born to do it. You are great with him. Not many people like I was telling Sarah have the characteristics you have. It takes guts and strength to be a dad. You have to want it more than anything.
Aaron: Thank you. I appreciate it. :) I forgot what holding him felt like and it just made me so happy knowing I don't have to give him back that he is mine.
Coach: That's the best feeling. He seems like a good kid. No fussy going on.
Me: Unless he's hungry he scrunches up his face like his father when he's hungry.
Coach: Hahaha. That's interesting.
Me: Yep.
Coach: Can I hold him?
Me: Sure.

As Coach was holding Conner he said one thing to him.

Coach: Conner you are going to be one heck of a man one day. Seeing how well your parents raised you and will continue to love and support you I can see some Yankee pinstripe love in the near future. ;)
Me: Most definitely. Unless he wants to do something else then we will support that.
Coach: That's very true. Can't pressure them but I know when a ball player is made trust me on that. He's going to know who his parents are and what they love and once he sees his dad is a Yankee when he's older that's going to hit him. :)
Aaron: You think so?
Me: Really?
Coach: Oh yeah. Kids are smart. This child in my arms that was created by God and you two you guys will have a wonderful kid.
Me: He is adapting to you.
Coach: Oh most kids do because they know when to trust and when not to trust.
Me: Baby instincts. 😂
Coach: That's it. 😂
Aaron: Coach thank you for this advice but how is my contract coming along?
Coach: If you feel the need to move Aaron then do it but the Yankees this is where you belong. I can't say that for many of the others because they came from other teams but you you are made for this spotlight. You like the heat, you like the pressure and you learn from it. That's what a Yankee is. A man no matter what you throw at him can always become a warrior and knock it down. That's you.
Aaron: Thanks Coach.
Me: I thank his parents every single day.
Coach: Well Sarah I thank your parents for bringing you to him. This man let me tell you spent hours on baseball that was all he wanted. He didn't let the spotlight or fame get the best of him. Some players are like him and some players aren't. Now that he has you Sarah he knows where home is besides Yankee Stadium.
Aaron: Home is where the heart is.
Coach: Yes. :)

As Coach was giving us some fatherly and motherly advice it occurred to me that dinner was ready and that Conner's diaper needed to be changed.

Me: Honey Conner needs to be changed.
Aaron: I will change him.
Me: Are you sure?
Aaron: I got this. ;)
Me: Okay. Call me if you need help.
Aaron: Okay. :)

Aaron walked upstairs with a smile on his face and his son you can tell was the light of his life.

I had the baby monitor next to me so I could hear what was going on.

Coach: What's for dinner?
Me: I made homemade pizza.
Coach: Nice. :)
Me: My mom helped me make the dough from scratch and then I moved on from there.
Coach: Family tree. Good to have. I need to meet your parents one day.
Me: They should be over next weekend. I will let you know. :)
Coach: Okay cool.

The rest of the afternoon was just laughing and talking and to be honest Coach Boone gave the best advice any person could give us. No wonder why CC always went to him. :)

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