The Future In The Courtroom. 👩🏻‍⚖️👨‍⚖️

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Aaron's POV:
I wanted to make Sarah mine but I didn't know how I was going to do that. Since G had his proposal on the bus which was cute but I wanted mine to be a little bit different. This is going to be the third year already I knew Sarah. I know you may think it was only yesterday but no three years jumped and skipped ahead and now I know Sarah is hinting that Mrs. Judge title. I'm so nervous so I wanted to ask no one other than G himself. I told Sarah to go out and get some groceries for the house since we moved into a place together and she was confused but I told her we needed things for dinner tonight. G came over after Sarah left and now we are sitting on the couch drinking a beer.

Gian: So what's the dilly dude?
Aaron: I'm going to ask Sarah to marry me.
Gian: WHAT?!? 🥰
Aaron: Yeah. I know she has been throwing the Mrs.Judge title at me a lot lately and maybe it is about time I got a fiancé bro. I see you with Jessica and she's gonna be Mrs. soon to be Stanton soon so why not make Sarah Mrs. Judge.
Gian: Bro. I was hoping we would be talking about this. I over heard Jessica on the phone the other day with Sarah and she was telling Sarah that there was an engagement coming for Christina also.
Aaron: That's amazing! I was thinking Gio and I could do it at the same time! :) That would be beautiful dude.
Gian: You could do that. I mean I did mine on a damn bus when I was going to do it back here in NY but I needed to make Jess mine. I love having her in my arms at night. It makes me feel more protective and a man over her. I let her win sometimes over shit but she's my life Aaron. My hormones get crazy when I'm around her. I know she is also hinting little Stantons running around also.
Aaron: See I want that dude but Gio and I need to talk about this. Do you know if he hinted anything at Chris yet?
Gian: We were talking the other day on FaceTime and he said he wanted to do it on Saturday before we play the Sox's.
Aaron: I can do it exactly when he does it! Double the Yankee proposals and that would look great for the team and for Coach Boone and the staff to see that would be mind blowing. :)
Gian: Are you going to talk to Gio about it?
Aaron: Batting practice right before I'm going to pull him aside and talk to him.
Gian: Good Luck to both of you. 😊
Aaron: Thanks man. 🥰

G left when Sarah walked in.

Aaron: Wait G! Hold up!
Gian: Yeah.
Aaron: Did you call Tyler's family?!? Sarah and I called this morning.
Gian: Yeah Didi and I talked to them on the phone and we called his wife also. Ugh it was heart breaking.
Aaron: Yeah the same for us also. We have to go visit soon!
Gian: Let me know when I'm gonna come with you guys and bring Jess. She has been asking about when we were.
Aaron: I will let you guys know. Talk to you later bro.
Gian: See you around bro. Bye Sarah.
Me: Bye G. :)

Sarah's POV:
Aaron never invites G over this early in the day so I knew something was up when he told me to go to the grocery store alone. He usually comes with me to give me a hand but I was okay today since nothing I carried was heavy. Though I really wanted to know so I was going to text Jess later to see if Gian told her anything about his conversation with Aaron. I mean I didn't want to be a nosy girlfriend but I was concerned and I hope everything was okay.

As soon as I was about to go take a shower I got a text from Chrissy telling me to call her.

I looked at Aaron and he told me to go call her since he was going to take a nap. I smiled and he smiled back and I went to the backyard to call her.

She picked up on the first ring.

Chrissy: Sarah! What up?
Me: You tell me.
Chrissy: I think Gio wants to break up with me.
Me: Wait! What! Why?
Chrissy: He won't even touch me anymore and I tried to kiss him this morning and he moved away. Am I ugly looking or something? 😭
Me: Chris how long has this been going on?
Chrissy: Since like two days ago.
Me: I'm gonna text him and see what is going on. :) I will call you back later. :) Hang in there love ❤️
Chrissy: Thank you. :)

As soon as I hung up with Chrissy I texted Gio.

Gio: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Gio. What's going on?
Gio: What you mean?
Me: With you and Chris.
Gio: We are fine.
Me: Gio she thinks you are going to break up with her. She said she tried to kiss you and you pulled away. What the F is going on! You can tell me!
Gio: Sarah I am trying to get her an engagement ring but she's hot on my tail and I need her to just wait one more day. Today is Thursday and I want to propose to her at the Sox's game that we have on Saturday.
Me: OH MY GOD! 🥰 Did you get the ring yet?!?
Gio: No do you think you can go with me? Tomorrow maybe?
Me: I can come tomorrow. What are you going to do with Chrissy though?
Gio: She's going to be spending the day with G and Jess.
Me: Oh okay. Where did you want to get the ring?
Gio: There is a place a cousin of mine knows with nice rings and I want you to come with me because you know what she's into I really don't. /:
Me: Don't worry. I will meet you there tomorrow. Text me the address and I will take the car to you.
Gio: We have a game tomorrow night and I want to go early.
Me: That's fine honey. See you tomorrow.
Gio: See you Sarah. Thank you so much.
Me: Your welcome. :)

As I went to hang up the phone Aaron came in with a smile on his face and he said Chrissy texted him.

Me: Babe Gio wants to propose to her at Saturday's game and he wants me to go with him tomorrow to this jeweler his cousin knows about in town. I'm going to drive to him tomorrow morning.
Aaron: Oh okay. I was going to hangout with G, Jess, and Chris tomorrow and then you can go home and change then meet us at the Stadium after.
Me: Sounds good. You going to make dinner soon. I will come help.
Aaron: Yeah. Okay. :)

Aaron's POV:
I already bought Sarah's ring at the same place G bought Jess' and I left it at G's place because Sarah is super nosy and I knew she was going to find it in my boxer drawer. Keeping it at his place I knew would be a perfect place. Jess can't wait till I propose to her.

As Sarah and I continued to cook you could see her face was gloomy. I walked behind her and hugged her and gave some kisses to her neck.

Me: Hi.

Of course she says it in a monotoned voice.

Aaron: Baby. Talk to me.
Me: Everyone is getting married and I'm sitting here looking like an ass babe! When are you going to ask me!?! 😭
Aaron: Soon.
Me: I'm sorry I'm just really annoyed right now. I need a minute to clear my head.
Aaron: That's fine my love. Take your time.

I walked to the backyard and called Didi. He is the only one I can talk to when I'm feeling like I want to throw myself into a pillow and cry.

I clicked his name and he picked up on the first ring.

D: Hey Sarah!!!
Me: Hi D.
D: Something wrong?
Me: No.
D: don't lie to me Sarah.
Me: Fine. Everyone is getting married or engaged and Aaron's dumb behind didn't even ask me yet! I'm beginning to think like he doesn't even want to be with me anymore. Am I selfish for thinking this?
D: Sarah maybe something is going on and you don't know the back story.
Me: What you mean?
D: Maybe he is waiting for the right moment. Us men are annoying when it comes to being in love and proposals. We shit ourselves when we have to even think about it. Give him time Sarah. Trust me I know he doesn't think you are selfish and that I know you two love each other. It is clear as day sweetie. Trust me on that. He is going to come around sooner than you think. I know it. I can feel it.

Me: I always knew I could talk to you. Thanks D.
D: No problem Sarah. See you tomorrow. :)
Me: See you. :)

I hung up and I felt better. Didi would always help me come around and compromise shit. I swear the man picked the wrong occupation sometimes he should have been like a therapist or something. His voice is goes right through you and helps you think. :)

I need to tell him that one day. :)

As the day went on Aaron and I were pretty distant and he knew why.

I think we both needed time to think. :/

This was going to be a long day ahead. /:

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