Part 16 Chapter One: Reluctance

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Steven swayed on his feet, trying to calm his nerves as the last of the fleet ships landed in Blue's hiding place.

The planet they chose was relatively tame, it had odd organic life that seemed to flourish in the constantly wet and rainy terrain. Much of the upper crust gems weren't keen on making it an extended stay, but it was that or being entirely obliterated and they preferred the former.
Steven and the gems helped organize and gather gems, but beyond that he felt his presence was largely uneeded, despite providing a much friendlier and approachable take toward the gems than Blue had.

She cared about her court, her colors, but she rarely shown the same compassion to her gems than she did Steven. It was like a switch that the Diamond flipped on and off depending on who she spoke to.

"Okay everyone, separate inti groups and head toward the Agates, they will direct you on the situation and what to do." Steven smiled, waving the horde of blue hued gems that filed out and around him, slowly losing all sense of direction as they searched for the gems they needed to speak to.
He was exhausted, three days, or at least 72 hours of going back and forth from colony to this planet and directing gems, forming a plan and some kind of better structure for them to follow than complete free flow, all of it wore him down immensely, and Blue hadn't even rested.
It took several pleas from Steven and the crystal gems to explain to her that he very much indeed needed to sleep.

"Okay, that's everyone on this ship." He sighed with relief, watching one last Sapphire scuttle off with her pearl. He turned to Blue Diamond, who stood helping direct the gems toward their designated areas to receive further information.

"Please say that's the last of them?" He begged with a small chortle, hoping the laugh wouldn't make him seem to disgruntled with the assistance.

"That is," Blue replied, turning around and lowering her hand for him to step into. The giant Diamond lifted him up to her face, a soft and grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you so much Steven, you and your friends were a great deal of help to me."

Steven nodded, yawning contently at her praise. He was ready to return home. To sleep in his own bed for a while, and to see Spinel.
He wondered how she was doing, three days away from him, she was likely enjoying herself with Lapis and the others, or not.

Either way, Steven wanted to return to his home, and now that he had helped Blue, perhaps she would help him with White. The playing field was even, diamond wise, so if he could manage to convince Yellow, then perhaps he could convince White Diamond to cease her attack. Then things would be fixed, they could move on. He could move on.

"We will leave once the last of my gem's have been directed." Blue said decisively, Steven nodded and hopped off her hand, gently floating to the ground to meet his friends.

"I'm going to take a nap now." He murmured through his yawn, passing by the gems and heading toward the small quarters in Blue Diamond's hand ship. They weren't made for humans, or any organic life initially, but for a short while it was turned into a place to house humans during Blue's grief driven escapades to Earth, and the subsequent abductions that followed.

The tired boy flopped onto the mat on the floor and almost immediately dozed off. Dreaming that he had already returned to earth. He could just almost feel the comfort of his blankets being pulled up to his cheeks and the soft embrace that Spinel undoubtedly would have waiting for him upon his return.
That was one thing he most definitely looked forward to, her gentle kisses and pets and her warm comforting hugs.

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