Epilogue 4

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Pink Pearl patiently waited for White's quartz guards to move from their post, they chit chatted with each other for a moment before leaving to survey another section of her palace. Pink quickly padded to the hallway opening that they left momentarily unattended, slinking in and hiding behind a pillar.

She poked her head out, watching line after line after line of Obsidians work on modified gem weaponry, plucking out the weapons of harvested gems and setting them on their desks. Each gem took them apart Methodically and welded in circuitry that mimicked that of the broken rejuvenator.

"You shouldn't be here." A booming voice echoed, a red eyed Obsidian loomed over the Pearl, delicately pressing her thumb and forefinger into the gem on her stomach.

"You're hiding something." She said, a smile growing on her face as she pulled a scythe from the pearl's gem. She held it in her hands, tossing it back and forth, weighing it, examining it.

"This is mighty fine work, and I know you didn't make it. Wonder who did." The gem cracked a grin she could barely hold back, taking the scythe and slicing the pearl's form in half. The black gem turned away as the small Pearl clacked to the ground, "I'm going to make it better."

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