part 15 Chapter Three: What's More?

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Steven slid down the infinity door to the floor, his attempt had failed, and now he sat aching in front of Spinel's room hoping she would eventually come out to talk to him.
Though, he didn't think that would happen any time soon.
And even if she did, what would he say?

He couldn't possibly make it clearer to her, or she simply didn't feel the same.
The thought made his hopes fall.

The door behind him opened, startling Steven from his thoughts as he balanced himself in effort not to fall. The familiar pink boots stepped out of the room, prompting him to look up at the gem.

Spinel briefly made eye contact before stepping toward the couch, not saying a word as she moved past him.

Steven scrambled to his feet, reaching out for her but the pink gem withdrew from his touch, increasing her pace until she sat firmly on the couch. She could go much further, she could just run away, but she didn't want to.
She did and also didn't want to hear Steven explain himself. But she knew she had to if she were to ever understand what more he wanted from her.
Steven hesitated, following slowly behind her until he found himself seated next to her, he reached out for her hand but she snatched it away, resting it on her knee instead.

She looked worn and tired and spiteful, despite her being entirely quiet. She was mad. In a cold way that made Steven regret ever trying to speak to her.

"What's more?" She asked, still not looking at him. She was mad, and confused and hurt and she wanted to make it very clear to her friend that she only came out to ask her question and get her answer.
Steven fumbled with his words, not sure what she meant, if she was referencing his request.

"Best friends..but more." Was all he could manage. Spinel's head whipped around and she faced him, baring her teeth in a snarl.

"I was your best friend, what's more?!" How can I be more?!" She spat, her pupils dilating to reveal the spirals in her eyes.
Steven leaned back, unprepared for the bite of her words.

"You already are more!" He tried to reiterate but the gem merely smacked her hands to her face in frustration.

"How can I be more what I don't know what it is?!" She groaned, dragging her hands down to wipe the tears that had welled in her eyes. Steven let out a relieved sigh at her words.
A miscommunication, she just didn't understand.
It was better than outright reject.

"It's closer than best friends, it's like..being there for eachother and loving and holding and.." Steven paused, blushing at the thought. "Kissing."

Spinel groaned in response, tired of his poor excuse for an explanation.

"But we already do that!" She remarked, Steven nodded slightly, she was right. They had done all these things so how could she possibly know what line was drawn where. He sucked in a breath, holding it in his lungs for a moment before letting it out.

"We do..but the thing with the lips- kissing?" Spinel's eyes softened as he tried to explain. "That's something more than best friends do."

Spinel blinked, so it was different, it wasn't something friends did. But why would Steven do it, and why was he so worried about it? Was she not his friend anymore? Was the 'more' something different than best friends?

"Why does it matter?" She asked, her anger being lost in her confusion. Steven blanked, it mattered, right? It mattered to him, did it not to her?

"It, uh, it means," Steven tried to think if what to say, but her stare suddenly made him grow far more nervous than he had been, as she inched closer, waiting for him to speak. "It's a sign of affection that people who are more than best friends do, to show they love you."

Spinel's eyes lit up and her cheeks turned a rosy pink as she turned away from him. So Steven doesn't hate me? She thought, quietly cupping her face with her hand.

"Its for special friends." She replied incredibly quietly, she turned back to face Steven a wavering smile on her lips. "I'm a special friend?"

Steven nodded, a relieved smile on his face at her question, she at least somewhat understood, and she wasn't mad anymore. That's all he wanted.

"Very special." He answered, finally wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close. Spinel whimpered softly with joy, her head burying itself into his chest before bouncing up so that her eyes met his.

"You're special too." She said with a soft smile. Gently giving him a small kiss back.

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