Part Twelve Chapter One: We Failed

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"It's so good to see you, Starlight."

The fusion stood frozen under White's unmoving gaze. The Diamond wore a smile that seemed comforting at first glance but the perfection and the symmetry provided an air of uncanny discomfort around all who dared lay eyes upon her.
Every muscle in Pink Zirconia tightened until they ached, and their eyes refused, no, were unable to look away from White Diamond's piercing stare.

"Did you enjoy your game? Your little plan failed." The Diamond's voice sounded soft and sweet but each word dripped poison. The crystal gems all stood staring up at her, waiting, while Pink Zirconia trembled in front if them- all previous bravery leached out in one single spoken word.

"You failed, you are a failure."

White bent down, her long black nails gently scratching the skin of the fusion that was trapped in place by the overwhelming terror.
Steven felt it, all of it.
All of Spinel's horror and all of his own, he wasn't ready, not ready for the horrific familiarity of the scene that unfolded before him, and Spinel was far too terrified to move.

He wanted to move, he wanted her to help him move but she wouldn't, and the fear that clouded their minds tied them together for the entirety of the moment, a cursed syncopation that Steven had no idea existed.

White Diamond's nail stopped above a gem, digging itself between the form of the fusion.
Zirconia gasped, feeling the twisting and tearing of the flesh that was created when they came into existence.
Steven recognized the feeling all too well, and tried to prepare himself for the inevitable.
The fusion blew up in an explosion of smoke and dust that settled to the ground all too slowly.

Steven opened his eyes, expecting to see the second half of himself.

White diamond held Spinel's gem in her nails, gently twisting it in her fingers.

"Stole, lied, ran away, got yourself corrupted and then had the gall to come back with Steven to stop us- as a fusion no less." White turned to Steven who sat on the floor, stunned from his forced unfusing.

"And now you expect me to stop, don't you?" She chuckled, letting the gem fall from her grasp, Steven stumbled forward, catching the gem before it shattered upon impact with the floor.

"All this," White gestured to the air, a wicked smile on her face as she spoke, "compassion, and freedom failed, Steven."

She took a step forward, forcing Steven to evade her giant feet. He scrambled away, clutching Spinel's gem to his chest as he regrouped with the crystal gems and Connie.

"It didn't work, and that little pink wretch convinced you that we are the bad guys." The giant diamond pointed at the gem, flicking her wrist and signaling for her quartz soldiers to enter.
They filed in, wielding blackened weapons that buzzed and glowed a dark eerie hue, standing at attention, poised to strike upon her command.

"I am fixing it. All of it, I can't make it perfect." Her eyes drifted downward, meeting Steven's gaze, he shuddered as the smile spread across her face.

"So I am going to start over."

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