Part 14 Chapter One: Deal with Dinner

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The deep voice bellowed from within the darkness of the cave, the heat and wind of the beasts breath rushed out, nearly knocking Antarcticite over as she stood at it's entrance.

"I have not seen your kind in trillions." The creature growled, a pair of glowing eyes appearing in the shadows, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Antarctitice took a hesitant step forward, of all the moments of unsurety she had ever felt, this was the most daunting.
And she was consistently sure of herself.

"The gems are rebelling against the Diamonds, I have come at the behest of White Diamond to humbly beg for your assistance." She lied, lowering her head as the beast crawled from it's hole.

Its jaws clicked in thought at her words, as it creeped into the dim light of the far off sun. It was no gem.
Like a snake it slithered around Antarcticite, it's glistening scales seeping a sparkling pink goop into the ground as it coiled around her.

"A gem that lies." The beast pointedly remarked, the rumble of its breath shaking the earth Antarcticite stood on. She averted her eyes, not showing any sign of her instigation.

"We created your kind, and you destroy yourselves with needs." The scales of the monster clinked against one another, shining in a rainbow of gemstone colors.

"A race of cattle, and I could eat you here." It blinked at Antarcticite, its tongue flicking out at the thought. "Right now."

Antarcticite instinctively froze, the icy water making up her armor crystallizing for a moment as the creatures snout breathed out a snort at her. It lifted it's head, shaking it, causing the scales of its body to shimmer and shake and clack together in a cacophony of what sounded like broken glass.

"The harvest has yet to come, and you are too salty for my tastes. What is it you say of these....rebellions?"

Antarcticite let out the breath she was holding at the beast's words, her eyes meeting its glowing glare.

"Gems rebelling against the Diamond Authority, White has retaliated with weapons that permanently damage our kind." She held up her hand, the bleached Aquamarine rising from her palm for the monster to inspect.
It lowered its head, sniffing the teardrop gem, closing its eyes in contemplation.

"An Aquamarine...they are delicious, but this one...has no luster." The creature breathed, turning away from the gem before it for a moment.

"A shame...the failing Diamond means to irradicate our stock."

The morbid thought crossed Antarcticite's mind, the beast was revered as gods once, the Diamonds were revered as gods, but they were merely caretakers and breeders of the meals these monstrosities devoured.
It was a different threat. Far more deadly than the Diamonds, she thought.

"Help me stop her then." The gem said blandly, waiting patiently for the slithering thing to answer.

"Help you? A disgusting tiny salty gem that I could devour in an instant- add you to my collection?" It snorted, amused by her words. The monster lowered its head, its snout nearly touching the gem as its tongue flicked outwards and wrapped itself around her for a hesitant moment as the beast contemplated the thought.

"I do not owe you your existence, rock." It's head reared back as it shook with laughter.

"But I want my harvest. The four of us want our harvest." The snake like creature spat its tongue out, its venom dripping into the water that made up Antarcticite's body.

"White Diamond no longer owns you- I do." It paused, nodding slowly at the pink liquid that tinted Antarcticite's waters. "Bring me my treasures and I will spare you the unfortunate fate you are to face."

The shimmering beast retracted itself from Antarcticite, coiling back into its cave as its eyes slowly shut.

"Do not fail me."

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