part ten Chapter One: All We Can Do

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Steven was restless, he wanted this whole event to be over. He wanted to simply march into the Diamonds palace and tell them to stop, make them heal Spinel and then stay out of his life, and away from earth and his friends for the rest of eternity.
He paced nervously across the floor of the ship, worry racking his brain with each passing second.
He wanted to go back to earth, to the garden and unbundle Spinel. But he couldn't. Not right now. Not when the end was so close.
He glanced at Connie who was staring at him, she quickly averted her eyes, avoiding his concern.
Steven spun around, making his way toward Garnet.

"Garnet, do you know what's going to happen? To us? To Spinel? Earth? What's going to happen?" He frantically grabbed the fusion's hand tugging at it, begging her to provide him some kind of solid knowledge. Garnet turned to him, resting her hand in his shoulder, causing the boy to quiet.

"There are too many possibilities for me to tell you which one will happen. But this will be over soon enough." She answered. Steven frowned, his worry increasing tenfold at her vague response.
Did she just not know? Waa this so far off in the various time streams that even Garnet couldn't predict what would happen next?
He walked back toward Connie shooting her a worried glance. This was taking too long.

"Ugh, are we there yet?!" He exclaimed, leaning toward Pearl as she piloted the ship to its destination.

"Its going to take at least 96 more hours to reach these coordinates, Steven, we are going as fast as physically possible with organic life in the ship." She answered, glaring at his intrusive behavior. Steven backed off, sitting next to Connie who was pretending to read one of her books.

"I don't want to wait anymore." He muttered, leaning into her. He glanced at Amethyst who sat in the corner silently waiting for the moment to arrive.

"What's wrong with Amethyst?" Connie whispered, Steven rested his head in her lap looking up at her with a sigh.

"She's mad at me for bubbling Spinel." He answered softly, making sure the gem didn't hear him. Connie nodded, looking g down at her friend.

"I mean, I'm kind of mad too." She remarked, watching him intently for a reaction. Steven closed his eyes, avoiding her stare.

"I'm mad at me too." He replied, slowly opening them to look at Connie. "I feel horrible about it. I can't stop thinking about it- about her."

Connie let out a reluctant sigh, she rolled her head down to meet his gaze.

"Good." She stated blandly, "You should feel bad."

Steven sat up, staring at her, he was prepared for a completely different response.

"You need to feel bad so you remember to go get her," she continued, closing her book and setting it to her side. "But you can't let it consume you right now, we have to deal with the diamonds."

Steven looked at the floor, chewing on her words, trying to process them. She was right. Feeling bad about leaving Spinel made him unable to forget her, but it clouded his mind from the current task at hand. He had to stop the diamonds first, then fix Spinel.

She was safe for now, no one would find her. He could focus on the diamonds and she would still be in the garden waiting until he came back.
And he could heal her, and apologize to her. And maybe she would forgive him.

Steven laid back on the floor, Connie followed him, facing him.

"You think the diamonds will listen to me?" He whispered softly, recalling the last time he tried to talk them down.
It had nearly cost him his life. Surely they would refuse to listen to him, if they decided, they could destroy him, and all his friends in one simple blow.
Connie poked him, tickling him slightly.

"I don't know. I sure hope they do." She answered, knowing that it wasn't much of a stress reliever. She had no idea how the diamonds would react to Steven barfing in and demanding they stop their attack.
As far as she knew, their actions were a result of the coup, nothing intrinsically tied with her friend.
She sighed.

"That all we can do right now."

Steven turned his head, meeting her gaze.

"Just hope."

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