pt4 Chapter Seven: Foul Games

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Spinel huddled herself into a corner, desperately trying not to cry, she didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be with these gems. She had no choice. Steven hated her, she could tell, the look in his eyes as he told her to leave, was imprinted in her mind.

Aquamarine greeted her comrade, Antarcticite who boredly remarked about the lack of difficulty in her mission, before fluttering to Spinel's side.

"You didn't think he actually liked you, did you?" The words dripped like poison from her lips. Spinel dug her head into her knees, avoiding eye contact with the gem.

"What kind of friend treats you like that?" She continued, leaning close. "Turning on you whenever they find out you had other friends."

The blue gem cracked a smile at her own words. Spinel softly put her hands over her head, digging her fingers into her head as she tried to ignore her.

"He wouldn't do that." The gem whispered to herself, clinging on to her hopes that he would come back, or stop them.

"But he did, and now you're all alone, nowhere to go, no friends."

Spinel gripped her pigtails pulling on them hard as she tried to shake her thoughts from her head.
Steven didn't believe me, she thought, he never believed me. I tried so hard, and he just...the pink gem bit her lip, refusing to even think the thought.

"He just threw you away, you just weren't good enough for him." Aquamarine pouted, resting her hands on Spinel's knees, the gem withdrew from her touch in attempt to not believe her.

"But us, we're your friends, real friends, we wouldn't turn you away." Aquamarine's lips pursed in anticipation, she lifted the gem's chin with her finger, gazing into her red and teary eyes.

"You are perfect, and we want you around. We want you to be happy. I want you to be happy. I want you." The blue gem softly said, she held Spinel's face before smiling a crooked and manipulative smile and fluttering off. Leaving the gem to fight with herself.

Aquamarine's words echoed around in Spinel's head as she tried so very hard not to believe them, Steven wouldn't leave her, he said so, but he told her to go. He was so mad at her. He didn't care, he probably never cared, he probably only saw her as a nuisance.
But, she thought, he said she was a good friend...that was before this, did he lie? Did he change his mind?
Aquamarine wasn't someone to mess around with, but she said she wanted her, she was lying. Right? She made all of this happen, didn't she?
Or, Steven found out on his own. No, Aquamarine was playing some sick game. Tricking him into betraying her.
Spinel looked up finally, taking in her surroundings.
About five gems stood in the saucer, each in a respective chair, aside from a pearl who seemed to be idly standing in a corner, not looking at any of them.

Spinel stood, taking a hesitant step toward Aquamarine, who turned around with a pleased smile on her face.
Spinel held her arm nervously, averting her eyes from the gem's gaze.

"Steven's going to come back for me, until then…" the gem tentatively raised her eyes, "I'll help you."

Spinel didn't want to play Aquamarine's horrid game, but with her wand, she knew she was no match, and she didn't really have a choice now.

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