Epilogue 10

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"You all know what's coming. The end. It started with Pink Diamond, and it worsened with her son!" Aquamarine spat the words loudly and angrily, her heart pounding at the thought of bringing down her foes once and for all.

"Now that Steven has changed things, we've all been lost! Forgotten! Made to be less. No more, no" she glanced at her comrades, her eyes flickering up toward the pink bubble in the air beside them.

"No, we're going to take it back! Take it all back! And when we rule we will get rid of all the off colors and all the organics and diamonds. We will be the new Authority!"

She paused, hearing the crowd of gems erupt in applause, miles upon miles had shown their faces and reared their heads in her call for action. She had an army. And it was all about to belong to her.

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