Epilogue 5

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Aquamarine grinned as she swung her new weapon around in the air with her wand, looking back at Antarcticite and Topaz with glee.

"See? I told you it would work." She chuckled, "all thanks to our new friend, Spinel." She glanced down at the gem who sat with her knees to her chest far away from the rest of them. Spinel lowered her head, ashamed that she had inadvertently helped with Aquamarine's horrid plot.

She sniffled, feeling a tear run down her cheek, she pressed her hand to her face to wipe it away, but felt a sticky goop on her face instead of what she thought was a tear.
The gem pulled her finger away, feeling the substance pull against her cheek and her hand. Her eyes widened with shock and horror at the sight.
What looked like black sludge stuck to her fingers, stretching between them and her face like a spider's web.

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