pt 7 Chapter Seven: A Nice Day

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Despite the looming threat of the diamonds and their mass produced corruption weapons, Steven decided to make it a point to destress before having to eventually go back into space, in search of the trio.
In truth, he was overly stressed and needed at least a day to decompress and appreciate the quiet on earth while it lasted.

"Beach party!" He laughed, trying to convince the gems to help him throw a party for Spinel's return.

"Are you sure this is a good time?" Pearl questioned, glancing back at the pink gem who seemed entirely flustered by the proposal.

"What would be a better time? Spinel's back, and she isn't corrupted, I think that's reason enough to celebrate, don't you?" He lowered the ball in his hands, fitting it under his armpit. Amethyst seemed entirely stoked for the concept, already changing her form to look more beach ready.

"Yeah! Come on, with everything going on, we gotta relax a little, Pearl!" She giggled, wrapping an arm around the gem.
Garnet nodded, a content smile on her face.

"If Spinel wants a party, I say we throw her one." The fusion turned to the pink gem.
Spinel rubbed her neck hesitantly, not sure if she even deserved such a thing.

"I guess it's alright?" She answered, glancing back at Steven who seemed to vibrate with joy.

"Great! We can invite Lars and the off colors, and Bismuth, Peridot and Lapis! And I think Sadie might be done with her tour by now, so she and the cool kids can play the music!" The boy seemed to have already planned everything in his head before even confronting the gems, it was as if he was only one phone call away from the entirety of beach city arriving at their doorstep.

"I'll tell Connie, and Dad, we'll make hot dogs!" The boy jumped out the door, floating gently to the ground and excitedly running off to find his dad.

Pearl looked at Spinel who seemed unsure of the whole prospect, but pleased nonetheless.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked the gem, drawing her from her thoughts. Spinel smiled cheerfully, sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, I think it will be fun." She laughed, denying the underlying feeling that she in no way deserved such a party.

Steven greeted his friends and companions as they neared his party set up, he had fold out tables with balloons saying welcome back that floated gently in the air, his dad was grilling hot dogs from.the back of his van, while Sadie chatted with the cool kids on what kind of songs they would play.

"Hey Lars, Sadie is back in town," Steven greeted the pink boy as he strolled up with his friends, holding a platter of neatly diced ube. He moved to his next guest, greeting Peridot as she walked with Lapis. He decided not to prod her on the save drive. Today was supposed to be fun, speaking of which, the guest of honor had yet to arrive.

Steven glanced around, Amethyst was chatting with Bismuth, Pearl seemed to be deliberately ignoring Dewey, Garnet was helping set up the stage. Spinel wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hey Dad." Steven called as he approached, Greg stood at his grill flipping hot dogs.

"Hey Stewball." He replied, turning around with a weenie in his clamps. Steven chuckled.

"Have you seen Spinel?" The boy asked, glancing back at the beach house to make sure he didn't see her inside. Greg shook his head and shrugged.

"Uh, I haven't seen her, maybe she's playing volleyball?" He offered, turning back to his grill.

"You're right, I think Nana Fua set up a game." Steven remarked, heading off toward the court that the Fua's where playing at.

"Oh wait, Steven!" Greg called before he could leave earshot. Steven turned, watching his dad point off at the beach house, Spinel made her way down the stairs looking mildly embarrassed. She caught Steven's eyes, watching as he ran toward her, huffing excitedly.

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