Pt3 Chapter Two: What?

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The gem was a giant, nearly pitch black, her red eyes scanned the crowd as she searched for her target. They finally fell upon the crystal gems.
She raised an accusatory finger before speaking.

"You." She growled, stepping toward the group. Steven let out a reluctant sigh, already done with the entire encounter, he held up his hands and began to speak.

"Hey, I think this might be a misunderstanding-"

"Not you!" The gem cut the boy off, "Her." The gem's finger pointed directly at the pink gem in front of her, rage seething as she glared at the gem.
Her words took Steven aback as he glanced at Spinel, who seemed to be working the whole situation over in her head. He was confused, but oddly relieved that he wasn't the target of this unknown gem's malice.
Spinel watched as the giant gem trudged near her, finally clicking the pieces together.

"Oh no." She sighed, standing upright, and preparing to speak. "Look, I'm sorry but-"

The unknown gem pulled out a large hammer from the gem on her forehead, slamming it into the ground ferociously, causing Spinel to cut her intended explanation short.
The impact of the hammer forced the earth beneath the crystal gems to crack, jutting upwards and separating their group.
The crystal gems and Steven drew their weapons in anticipation, while Spinel simply stood dumbfounded at the attack. Anger streaked across her face at the abysmal behavior.

"Hey!" She yelled, "I said I was sorry! If you knew-"

"I want it back!" The black gem howled, delivering another blow to the ground, the earth shook beneath the pink gem's feet, before rapidly rising from under her. Spinel bounced off the rising earth, landing on the roof of a house and glared down at the gem. Steven stared, confused at the whole endeavor.
What did Spinel do to make this gem so angry with her?
Garnet pounced, bringing her gloved fist down on the gem, but the black gem countered, blocking it with her hammer.
Garnet was thrust backward, slamming into a wall. Pearl took her turn next, but was preemptively foiled when the gem grabbed her spear, tossing the white gem into the air.
At this Spinel began to seethe, she stretched her arm long and grabbed a portion of it, turning it into a lasso that she waved in the air.

"Don't hurt my friends!" She shrieked, throwing her lasso arm and catching the hammer with it. She yanked backward, pulling the weapon from the gem's grasp and throwing it out of her reach before slithering down from the roof and coiling around the gem. She began to constrict herself, before the gem could escape. She failed.

The black gem's arm forced itself from her grasp, and quickly grabbed the pink gem on Spinel's chest, the tightening fingers forced the gem to release her grip and she desperately dangled in the black gem's hands.

"You stole something from me."  The black gem growled, her other hand reaching toward Spinel's gem. The gem pulled out Spinel's rejuvenator as the she squirmed in her grasp, desperately trying to maintain form.
Steven took a step forward, unable to help, afraid to help. What kind of gem was this? What kind of gem can reach into another's and just take something?
Spinel struggled against the gem's grip, but couldn't hold on any longer, she exploded into a puff of pink smoke. The black gem cracked a triumphant smile, clutching the heart shaped gem in her hand.

"Now, I'll crush you." she chuckled, before a whip tangled around her arm, yanking her fingers from the gem she held.
Spinel's gem clacked to the ground, and the black gem turned toward the assailant. Amethyst glared at her, gripping her whip tightly.
The gem pulled against the whip hard, forcing it out of Amethyst's hand and stepped back into her ship.

"We'll deal with you later." She said, as the door closed tight. The ship began to rise, its wings turning back to face their proper direction, before another white flash erupted across the sky, following another ear piercing bang. Then the ship was gone.

The dust cleared from the winds, New Homeworld's citizens slowly began to emerge from their hiding spots, soft confused chatter slowly growing amongst them. Steven stared forward, dumbfounded at what had just taken place, when he caught the small sparkle of Spinel's gem. He scooped it up in his hands and held it tight, turning toward Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl who were putting away their weapons.

"What just happened?" Steven breathed, still at a loss for any explanation. "Who was that? Why did they want the rejuvenator?" None of his friends could provide answers, but he still couldn't understand.  
Steven turned to face the wreckage caused by the unknown gem, many of their newly rebuilt houses were in ruins, the foundation completely ripped apart by her devastating weapon.
He then looked down at the gem in his hands, it wasn't harmed, Amethyst had prevented that. Now he just had to wait for his new friend to reform.

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