Epilogue 3

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Pink Pearl silently stood, searching the white room for any evidence of the crystal gems. She spotted Spinel's scythe and quickly darted toward it, picking up the weapon and hiding it inside her gem. She glanced around once more, sure that no one had seen her, then hurried toward the left corridor to find her Diamonds.

In the shadows, movement appeared, the slow fluttering wing peeking out into the light of the room. Aquamarine came into view, flying down toward the warp pad and grabbing her ribbon wand, then flitting back into the shadows. She pulled a small diamond shaped cube from her pocket, opening up a holoscreen that lit her face an even more eerie blue.

"The coup failed, Steven showed up, and the diamonds pearl interrupted." She said the name with utter disdain before a sly grin ripped across her face. "But you'll never believe who I saw prancing around as a crystal gem." She giggled hautly.

"You remember that obnoxious clown from betta 472? The one that wanted our injector? I have an idea…" the blue gem cracked a wicked grin as the terribly brilliant thoughts occurred to her.  

"Call Antarcticite."

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