pt6 Chapter Five: Mental Connection

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Spinel stood at the edge of a cliff, staring down into the gem reactor in Beta 472's center, feeling the hot winds of its expulsion hit her face. Aquamarine had left her here, told her that they were planning their next attack and that she would have to avoid them.
The gem thought about escaping, taking Aquamarine's saucer and running to earth to find Steven again, but would he want to see her? Like this?
She lifted her drooping hands, pressing her finger into them, black sludge began pushing out from her skin like a disgusting pustule. Whatever the scythe did to her, it was getting worse, and Aquamarine seemed to know it too.
Spinel didn't mind, she didn't want to be included with them, but now she was treated like an off color, some kind of monster to avoid.

Steven didn't say he didn't want me, she thought, imagining their reunion.
He told me to go, leave, he doesn't want me back. Why would he? I'm a monster, I'm disgusting.

The gem crumpled, coiling into an inky, messy pile on the dirt and letting out a broken sigh.

"What's wrong with me?" She whimpered to herself. "I keep thinking he's going to come get me, he's not going to come, he doesn't even know where I am!" she looked down at her hands as they began to blacken.

"He doesn't even like me, why do I put my trust in him? If he doesn't do the same, friends trust each other..right?" She bobbed her head to the side in defeat. "I'm nothing, nothing to him, and I'm just being used by them, I just want to melt away…"

The gem hung her head, allowing her tears to roll down her cheeks, she began to shake, holding her breath in an attempt to quiet her crying. Spinel cupped her face in her hands, feeling the sludge of them stick to her cheeks. She jerked them away in shock.

"Not literally?!" She gasped, turning her hand over, inspecting it, it looked as though her form was melting, beads and droplets of goop forming on her palm as she held it in front of her. She stared at them, opening and closing her fingers as they regained their solidity.
The gem glanced back at the saucer, and Aqua who flitted in and out of it, retrieving something and fluttering back to her hut.  

Suddenly an enormous Emerald fleet ship appeared over head, the force of the winds it caused as it entered the atmosphere made the pink gem cover her eyes.

It hovered for a moment before landing at the other side of the rift, extending a long ramp out to reach where Spinel sat.
The door slid down, revealing an enormous quartz gem, followed by an Emerald commander. Spinel outstretched her neck to peer inside the ship, it had destabilization cells, with gems inside, and a human. A human she recognized.


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