pt5 Chapter Six: Off Color Ally

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Lars and the off color gems awkwardly snuck behind a building, searching for any friendly gems, most had made disgusted faces, shot dirty looks, or even outright attacked them for coming near. It seemed as though Steven's attempt at equality completely missed the one planet they landed on.

"Oh my," Rhodonite gasped nervously holding her face with one pair of hands, "we're gonna get caught, and attacked, again!" Her voice rose with fear, forcing Lars to turn back and shoosh the worried gem.

"It's going to be fine, I've got a plan." He pointed at a nearby fuel station, "See that? We should easily be able to steal a couple barrels to fill the ship."

Suddenly massive gem loomed over him, her enormous presence causing him to whip around in shock.

"Sh-sh!" The gem whispered, raising her hand in apology. "Come with me." The gem turned, not revealing her face.

"We will soon be assisted by a mysterious gem!" Padparadscha cheered, the mysterious gem waived for the off colors to follow, one by one, the gems followed her toward the fuel, the mystery gem picked up two large barrels and whistled, signaling them to follow suit, before heading back the way they came.

The off colors and their new ally reached the Sun Incinerator, which had been vandalized by the colonists, the gem plopped one of the fuel tanks down and began to refill the tank.

"Thanks, you didn't have to help you know." Lars said, somewhat irritated that his thunder was stolen by the gem.

"I'm not doing this for free, I need a way off this hunk of rock" the gem lifted her hood, revealing a mottled orange and blue face, her eyes were red and full of fury and shame.

"I need to get to earth, I have business there." She said, turning away from the off color's wide eyes.

"That's where we are headed."

"Yeah I figured, a bunch of freaks like me wouldn't be here of their own volition." The gem scoffed, she lowered her head, as if to say sorry.

"I just need out of here."

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