Part 13 Chapter Five: Hand of Gods

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Steven stepped out on the balcony leading to the greenhouse, drinking in the sunlight as it's rays splashed across the shadowed earth. The cool fall air was crisp in the morning light and frost stuck to the small patches of grass below the beach house.

Everything was calm, even the light breeze was calm as it ruffled his hair and sent a small shiver down his spine.
He looked off into the sky as the stars began to fade, the wind picking up.

A small light streaked toward him. His stomach dropped to his feet. All sense of calm and relief ripped out of him in the moment he saw the ship breach the earths atmosphere.

Steven bolted downstairs, catching Spinel by the arm and shoving the elastic gem into a small space under his island.

"Stay there- don't move!" He yelled, just as Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet warped in from New Homeworld. Bismuth and Peridot climbed out of the hole in the temple cliffside, ready to face the new arrival.

Steven still had his pajamas on, but ran outside regardless, leaving the pink gem stuffed under the island, wondering what was going on.

If she knew, she would have a melt down.

The wind howled as the giant hand settled onto the sands, a blue orb forming from its fingertip and floating to the ground. The gems and Steven readied themselves, their weapons drawn, prepared for another battle.

The blue orb dropped down revealing the Diamond equal in size.
She hesitated, before raising her hand in surrender.

"Steven, I'm come to ask for your help." Blue Diamond said softly, waiting until he answered. Steven stepped forward, his sheild still raised.

"Why? I thought you wanted to kill me?!" He spat, Blue diamond shed a tear at his words, closing her eyes and looking away from them.

"I don't want to harm you, Steven, I don't like what White has done." She replied, dropping to her knees, the force of her fall shook the beach house, Spinel whimpered in confusion, trusting that Steven had directed her correctly. She hoped he was unharmed by their attacker.

Steven squinted, not sure if he could believe the giant dictator. Though, she seemed genuinely distraught, genuinely regretful.

"What about Spinel?" He asked, the Diamond opened her eyes in shock, almost as if she had forgotten the gem had even existed.
She bent down, coming closer to him.

"What about her?" She asked, confused by his question. Steven rolled his eyes.

"You made her cry, like mom, like me. How can I trust you when you couldn't even change for her?" He grumbled, the diamond sat up, her hands folding on her lap as she looked down at them, averting her eyes from Steven.

"You're right, I did make her cry, White had been so stressed over the insurgencies and I didn't stop to think what I had done wrong." Her eyes lifted and she looked back at Steven, who seemed like he was listening.

"I didn't want any of this to happen, Steven, but White...she..refused to listen to me."

Steven lowered his sheild, contemplating the diamonds words, she was at his doorstep, asking him for help, it would be good to have her on his side, but he couldn't trust her, not after the way they had attacked gemkind, and not after the way they treated Spinel.
The boy let out a reluctant sigh, concluding his best answer to the conundrum.

"What do you need my help with?" He asked, the diamond smiled, relief washing over her at his words. This was a risk in and of itself.
If White knew of her travels here, she would surely turn on her.
Brand her a traitor.

"I need you to help me protect my gems." She answered, letting him crawl onto her hand to lift him up. "White is going to destroy all my aquamarines, all my sapphires, my entire court because of the coup. I need a place for them to hide, where they are safe."

Steven nodded, putting his hand to his chin in thought. Earth wouldn't be a safe place for them.
Not if a diamond could fly here on a whim, and little homeworld was far too small to suffice for however many gems existed under Blue Diamond. Perhaps Lars knew of a planet the gems would be safe. He had the most experience in space travel out of all of them.

Steven nodded, looking up at the diamond.

"I think we can figure something out."

After the silence from the initial quake, Spinel hesitantly stretched out of her hidy-hole, slowly stepping toward the window to see what Steven was so rushed to stop. She pulled down the blinds and peered out to the beach.

Every photon froze. Her eyes grew wide with fear at the sight of Blue Diamond's hand resting on the sands of the beach, the diamond herself sitting in front of Steven and the gems.

She began trembling uncontrollably, her feet firmly cemented to the floorboards by fear alone. She needed to help him, she needed to stop the diamonds attack, she needed to do something!

But she couldn't.

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