Baby Shower

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Jasmine's Pov

"We should get our clothes together for our baby shower," Cameron says sitting me down on our bed. "Okay," I yawn, waddling to our closet. "Did the shirts come in that we ordered?" Cameron asks, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Yeah, I gave Jordan, Brice, Max, and Zoe their shirts," I say, giving Cameron his shirt and jeans. "Great," Cameron says taking off his suit, leaving himself in his Calvin Klein underwear. 

"Need help, my love?" Cameron says helping me out of my dress.  

"We have at least 3 hours until the baby shower," Cameron says picking me up. 

"I'm sleepy," I yawn wrapping my arms around Cameron. "I know baby," he says laying me down on our bed and wraps his arms around me. 

I smile cuddling into his strong brace. "Goodnight, my love," I hear Cameron whisper as I fell into a deep slumber.

(Two hours later)

"Wake up, my love," I hear Cameron whisper as he stroke his fingers through my hair. "Hmm?" I hum wrapping my legs around him tightly. 

I felt his chest rumble as a soft laugh escape his chest. "The baby shower is in an hour," Cameron says rubbing my thigh. "Yay," I yawn stretching my arms. 

"I'll dress you, my wife," Cameron says smiling widely. "Thank you, my husband," I giggle as Cameron slides my jeans on me. "Soon, our baby girl will be here," I hum as I put my shirt on and fix my hair. 

"Me too," Cameron says putting on his shirt and pants. "Belt babe," I laugh as I see him sag a little. 'Sexy.' I linked to him then winked. 

"Come on, we need to go," Cameron laughs straightening out his hair. "Okay," I say and waddle downstairs. 

"Ah, Jass, you will not be walking that much today," Cameron says and suck his teeth. He swiftly picks me up and carries me to the limo that awaits us. 

"I want you to relax and enjoy the baby shower. Whatever you need, I will get it for you, okay?" Cameron says holding my hand as we head off to the pinnacle again. 

"Your majesty," the limo driver says opening the door for us. "Thank you," Cameron says stepping out of the limo. 

"Come on babe," Cameron says holding out his hand. I grabbed his hand and smile as we walked into the royal pinnacle. "Jazzy!" Zoe squealed hugging me tightly. 

"Come, we made a special seat just for you two," Max says motioning us towards a big chair in gold. "Wow," I gasp as I see the gold chair sparkle with pink jewels. 

I felt Cameron lift me up bridal style and sat me on the glorious chair. "Relax," he wink and kiss my hand.

I saw Cameron plop down beside me frowning. "You must rest too, my king," Brice smirks bowing his head.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and other," Brice started as I squint my eyes at him. What the hell he meant by other?! I felt Cameron wrap his arms around me and rub my belly.

"We are now celebrating the upcoming birth of princess Kimberly Christine Grey. We are dying to meet out future princess and our future queen. I will be the host as you all can see, so let's start with food first then party later?" Brice asks getting cheers from the pack and flock.

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