Change of plans

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Camilla's Pov

I grumble as I feel those familiar hands run through my hair. "Morning, baby girl," I smile wrapping my arms around her waist. "Morning," Jasmine says as her beautiful smile radiate around the room. "We have to get up," Jasmine says trying to get from my grip. "No," I whine tightening my grip around her waist. 

"Babe, we're going shopping remember," Jasmine huffs placing her hand on my chest. "Oh, yeah," I yawn then get up, picking Jasmine up. "What shall my queen wear?" I hum holding out our last two outfits. She pointed to the grey dress and I smile sitting her on the bed- pulling her nightgown off. 

"What do you plan on getting?" I ask dressing her up and put her little shoes on her feet. "I don't know, jewelry," Jasmine shrug going to the bathroom while I got dressed in something that matches hers. 

Now people should definitely know we're dating. I smirked at my thought and put on my cologne. "Babe, you look so handsome," Jasmine smirk biting her lip. 

"Grazie, Bella," I say in my Italian accent. "Il tuo benvenuto sexy," Jasmine said in a sexy Italian accent. "Uhm, we should probably go," I coughed out holding my arm out for her. "We should," she mumbles blushing. 

We walk down to the lobby and I couldn't help but admire how enchanting Jasmine looks waddling beside me; just perfect. 

"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Grey," the manager says coming up to us. "Hello, Mr. Wundt," I say as he smiled shaking my hand. "Finally! Someone know how to say my name since it's German," Mr. Wundt says in joy. 

"Yes, I know someone who is 'the father of psychology'," Jasmine says as I look at her intrigued. "Wilhelm Wundt," I say as Mr. Wundt nods, explaining how that's his great-great-grandfather. 

"Mr. Grey," I hear Brice say beside me now. "Yeah, Brice?" I ask looking towards him. 

"Everyone is on the bus and ready to go," he says then I nod, wrapping my arm around Jasmine and saying my farewells to the manager. "Come again soon!" The manager says as we exit the luxurious hotel. 

"My lady," I laugh allowing her to get on the bus first. "Everyone ready?" I ask as the other teachers do a head check. "Okay, let's go," Jasmine says and I nod as the bu driver drive off to the mall. 

We finally made it to the mall and Jasmine had to whistle to get everyone attention. "Three hours, be at the entrance. Do not have me looking for you," Jasmine sternly told everyone making them stiffen while me, on the other hand, is drooling at how hot she looks. 

"Camz, you're drooling," Jasmine says grabbing my hand waddling to Bath & Body Works. 

"Perfect," I hum and wrap my arm around her protectively. 

. . . . . . . . . . .

After almost buying the whole mall, we made it back to the entrance with a couple of minutes to spare. "Babe, are you sure you don't want me to hold anything?" Jasmine asks trying to grab a bag. "No, no, I got this babe," I smile showing my muscles. 

"Sure, babe," Jasmine giggled as everyone came to the entrance. "Everyone here?" I ask as I count everyone. 

"Alright, let's-" I stop hearing Jasmine gasp. 

"What's wrong?" I asked dropping the bags. "Someone is following us," she whispered and I told everyone to get on the bus. 

"Change of plans."

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