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Cameron's Pov

I sigh as I placed Jasmine on our bed. "I told you I was heavy," Jasmine giggles pulling me down on the bed beside her.

"You're not heavy, beautiful. I just missed you so much and I'm so happy that you are back in my arms," I say wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you so much," Jasmine whisper falling asleep. "I love you more," I whisper kissing her soft and full lips.

. . .

"Camz," I hear Jasmine whimper in her sleep. "No, no," she whimpers shaking.

I quickly pull her to me whispering in her ear. "It's okay, my love, I'm here. I got you," I whisper rubbing her stomach.

I smile as I felt her relax in my arms. "You're never leaving my sight again," I hum watching her for the rest of the night.

. . .

"Baby girl," I whisper sitting her up. "Hmm?" Jasmine yawns stretching.

"Goodmorning my beautiful queen," I smile kissing her lips.

Suddenly she got up looking at her phone. "Dammit, we have school," Jasmine says waddling to the bathroom.

"Babe, you just came from the hospital," I whine rushing to her with speed.

"So? I healed faster," Jasmine shrugged starting the shower.

"But-" I started but Jasmine kissed me making me shut up immediately. "No buts, I miss seeing you teach," Jasmine winks and step into the shower.

"Fine," I grumble getting in the shower and wash up with my beautiful fiancé.

"Go get something for us to wear," Jasmine says washing her hair. "Gimme a kiss first?" I smile wiping the shampoo from her face.

"Gimme?" She laughs and gives me a peck on the lips. "Come on babe," I pout but she gave me a stern look making me run to our closet.

"Fiesty woman," I laughed getting Jasmine a light blue sundress while I got a light blue button-down shirt with jeans.

"Oh, this is pretty," Jasmine says unraveling the towel from around her. "Thank you handsome," Jasmine winks and unravel my towel from around my waist.

"Hey!" I exclaimed covering my lower area. "I've seen it before, now get dressed," Jasmine growls and started getting dressed.

I quickly put on my Calvin Klein boxers and my outfit for today. "I need to get different shoes," I mumble getting the dress shoes I wore on the field trip.

"Hey, babe, what happened to Jacqueline?" Jasmine asks brushing out her hair. "She stepped down and gave Brice the Beta position," I say brushing up my hair. "Why?" Jasmine asks looking at me through the mirror. "I don't know, she was a good Beta though," I shrug fixing up my hair. 

"Oh, okay," Jasmine says as she waddles to me and kisses my cheeks. "I love you so much," she whispers tracing my jawline.

"Ready?" I ask grabbing my phone, keys, and bag. "Yeah," she says checking our outfits. "Perfect," she hums and waddles to the car.

"Babe," Jasmine whines trying to get into the car. "I got you baby girl," I smile helping her get into my Escalade. "Thank you," she squeals buckling herself up.

"Ready?" I ask getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. "Mhm," Jasmine hums and I drive off to school enjoying the comfortable silence between us.

"We're here," I sigh grabbing my bag and Jasmine's. "I'll take those," Brice says grabbing Jasmine's books. 

"Thanks," Jasmine says as I help her out of my car. "Chemistry we go," Brice says skipping to their chemistry class. 

"Lunch?" I say as Jasmine straighten out my tie. "I'm paying," Jasmine says and waddles to her chemistry class. 

'I'm paying and that's final.' I say through our link as I see Jasmine stop and shudder. 'Okay baby.' Jasmine says through the link and walks into class. 

I smirk proudly and straighten my shirt. "Handle that well," I smirk walking to my classroom. 

"Goodmorning class," I say sitting my stuff down smiling widely. "Queen Jasmine is awake?" Some ask clapping their hands. "How do you know?" I laugh. 

"The smile on your face and you have her scent, Master Cameron," Joy says clasping her hands as I smile nodding my head and starting class. 

Jasmine's Pov 

"Class dismissed and welcome back Queen Jasmine," my chemistry teacher says as I exit the classroom. 

"Jass, you're going to pop," Brice laughs as I stuck my middle finger up. "Meanie," Brice says grabbing my bags. "Brice, I can carry my books," I pout rubbing my belly. "I know but my queen will not be carrying anything," Brice says bowing slightly. 

"Whatever," I laugh and go to my next class but was stopped by someone unfamiliar. "Hello," I said tilting my head. "Hello, Jasmine," his deep voice rumbled. 

"Who are you?" Brice asks dropping my books and stands in front of me. "Who are you?" The strange yet kinda familiar man says with a grimace. 'Babe, there is a somewhat familiar man standing in front of me.' I link to Cameron. "WHAT?!" I hear Cameron yell from his class. 

Two seconds and he is in front of me and Brice towering the human. "Who are you?" He hisses as the man looks at me smirking. 

"Baby girl, do you not remember me?" The human says stepping towards me. "No, I do not," I say walking to Cameron and wrap my arms around him. "He has your blood," Cameron says tilting her head. 

". . ." I stare at him and take a deep breath. 

"Dad?" I gasp clasping Cameron's shirt. "Hello baby," he cries as I hold Cameron tighter. "We should talk at home," I say as Cameron nods his head. "Indeed."

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