Beach Pt. 2

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Hair cut:
Jasmine's Pov

I stood as Cam, Cameron? Ugh, I need to know what he would prefer I call him. "Baby?" He called getting my attention. "Hm?" I hum looking up towards him. "Come lay down," he hums laying our bag on the towel so it will stay put. 

I sat on one of the chairs that Camz got and lay back on it. "Baby, I'll be right back," Camz quickly said as I look at him weirdly. "Um, okay," I smile as Brice and a guard came to watch me. "Where did Camz go?" I ask Brice as he smirks holding Jordan. "It's a surprise," he smirked and I nod pulling out my phone taking pictures of the ocean. 

Thirty minutes and he is not back yet. "I'm getting worried," I mumble playing with the ring around my ringer finger. 'Are you okay? I'm worried.' I linked to Camz worried. 

"I'm right here," I hear his low raspy voice behind me. I tried to get up quickly and manage to turn around. "Camz?" I gasp seeing him stand there with his arms crossed. 

"Woe," I whisper speechless. "You like?" He asks running his hand through his hair. 

"You got a hair cut," I smile waddling to him. "Yeah, I sealed the deal. It took some time to get my name changed, but I had some people that I know," he smiled picking me up. "Thanks, guys, you can go have fun now. I want to spend time with my fiancé now," he tells them as they bow and go back to what they were doing. 

"This is sexy," I smile running my hand through his hair. "Baby, I just got my hair cut, you're messing it up," Camz pout. "It's going to get messed up in the water anyway," I smirk taking my jean shorts and my bikini pullover off. "So you changed your name to Cameron?" I ask as he took his shirt off, leaving him in his trunks. 

"Yeah, I'm still your Camz though," he chuckles and I rolled my eyes, running towards the ocean but end up waddling to it. 

"Where you going, baby?" He asks lifting me, running into the water. "Babe," I laugh as he held me above the water. "It's not cold," he says letting me stand in the water. 

I pulled his arm, going deeper into the water. I look out into the ocean watching the cruise ships float beyond the water. 

I felt Camil-, Cameron's arms wrap around me rubbing my belly. "Beautiful view," he whispered in my ear softly. "Like you," he whispers and I turn to him smirking. "That was so cute," I smile pushing him in the water. 

I saw him stand up growling. "You're so going to get it," he hisses and I quickly dive underwater swimming towards shore. "Hi," I hear Cameron say as I stood up. "Hi," I giggle pushing my hair out of my face. "Come on beautiful," Camz say picking me up. 

"I can't wait until our baby girl come," I hum rubbing my belly as Cameron placed me in the chair where he set our spot. "What should we name her?" Camz asks laying on the towel with his firm abs sparkling in the sun from the water. "Uh, I was thinking Kimberly Grey, Olivia Grey, or Charlotte Grey," I say looking through the book of names I highlighted. 

"Those are beautiful names for our baby girl," Cameron smiles grabbing sunscreen. "Kimberly Christine Grey?" He asks rubbing the sunscreen on my legs. "Perfect," I smile running my fingers through Camz's hair. 

"I can get used to stroking my fingers through your hair," I smirked and grip his hair tightly. "Especially like this," I laugh as he tapped my thigh. "Don't make me take you back to the hotel," Camz growl as I gulp closing my legs but Camz open them, lotioning my legs with sunscreen. 

"Babe," I whine as he kissed my belly. "You're so beautiful. I can't wait until this damn war is over. I want to hold you and our baby girl in my arms forever," Cameron says as he pulled me into his lap.

I smile nodding my head admiring how his cheek became sharper and his muscles became more defined. I let my hands travel down to his pecs and abs. I admired how his muscles flexed under my touch making me smile in delight. "Enjoying yourself?" Cameron asks smirking. "Yes," I smile running my hand down her biceps feeling him flex his muscles. 

"What time is it?" I ask as Camz grabbed her phone from the bag. "Damn, we have to go," he mumbles. "It's three-fifteen," Cameron informs me and I put my book in our bag getting up. 

'Let's go, everyone, our soldiers must train.' I link to everyone and I saw them all start packing up. "Here baby," Cameron says as he held a towel up for me. "Thanks, babe," I smile as he wraps the towel around me. 

I wrapped the towel around his waist biting my lip. "Thanks," he smiled and kissed me softly on the lips. 

Everyone packed up and we went out into the country where a lot of old tractors are. 

I got off the train behind Cameron with my pullover on and a towel wrapped around me. "Okay everyone, gather around. We have a plan for tomorrow. On the last day, we planned for us to go shopping and buy things then we will leave around three o'clock in the afternoon," I inform them making sure everyone hears me. 

"Jasmine, Zoe, Gazzy, and Gerald? You all will ride in a car. Everyone should know your queen's scent by now," Cameron informs everyone. 'Delicious raspberry scent. . . and taste.' I linked to Jasmine causing her to blush. 

"Yes sir," they say bowing their head. "Who all don't want to fight?" I asked and only one girl, Olivia, raised her hand. "Alright, she rides with us. We have one seat left," I tell Cameron and he nodded his head with his arms crossed. "I'm good with daggers," Olivia spoke softly. 

"Great," I smiled as I placed my towel on the ground and sat on it. Cameron sat down on the towel behind me and everyone else knelt down. 

"Now, the two buses that we and the soldiers rode in will be far behind Jasmine. We have to keep an eye on them but also watch our surroundings. Everyone got it?" Cameron asks and everyone nods. "Yes, master," they all say and I let the commander get control to train everyone. 

"Want to watch me train?" Cameron asks and I nod blushing a little. "Yeah, I want to see how strong you are," I smirk biting my lip. 

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