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Camilla's Pov

I smile as I hold Jasmine's hands in mines, walking to my classroom. "What are we doing today?" Jasmine asks, breaking me out of my trance. "You all will be doing a reading and answer some questions while I put your final grades in," I informed Jasmine.

She nods and we approached my classroom. "Go ahead and get started, class don't start for another ten minutes," I smile towards my beautiful girlfriend. "Okay," Jasmine smiles and kiss my cheek. 'Wow.' I thought to myself but I guess she heard me because she turned around winking at me. 

Five minutes later, students began to come in the class as I finish writing the assignment on the board. "Good morning, everyone. Your instructions are on the board. You may work with someone, but do not make to much noise, understood?" I commanded and everyone nodded. "Yes ma'am," my students mumble as they bow to me. 'Yes ma'am,' I hear Jasmine through our link and I look towards her to see her smirking, biting her deliciously soft bottom lip. 

I softly closed my eyes to control my hormones. "Good," I smiled looking directly at Jasmine.  

I saw Brice sit with Jasmine and I smiled getting back to work. 
___5 minutes later___

"Here you go," I hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice mumble handing me hers and Brice's work. "All done?" I ask smiling. "Yes, ma'am I am," she winks as I brush my fingers against her, taking the paper. "Good," I smirk biting my lip. "Indeed," she whispers and walks back to her seat. 

I watch as her hips sway side to side naturally as she goes back to her seat. 'Focus, babe,' I hear Jasmine through our link. 'Okay,' I groaned through the link causing her to giggle lightly. I got back to work, making sure everyone grades were in.

Jasmine's Pov

"So, I sense there is something you're holding back from me," Brice smirked poking my shoulder. "I will tell you later, at home," I smiled widely as he raised an eyebrow. "Is it a good thing or-" Brice trails off waiting for me to answer. "Trust me, its g-" I stopped as I feel the urge to throw everything up. "Baby, what's wrong?" Camilla immediately says standing up, getting everyone's attention. "Bathroom," I mumble and she quickly picks me up and rushes me to the teachers' lounge bathroom. 

I bend over the toilet and vomit the blood from this morning. "I knew this was going to happen," Camilla sigh holding my hair up and rubbing my back as I continue to vomit. "I linked Brice to bring my purse. I brought toothpaste and a toothbrush," Camilla informed me as I stood up from the toilet holding my hands over my mouth. "It's okay baby, you can remove your hand," Camilla smiles and removes my hand from my mouth. "Geez, what did you Jazzy?" Brice groaned covering his sensitive nose. "Blood," Jasmines groaned and quickly brushed her teeth.

"Are you okay, everyone is getting worried," Brice asks frowning. "Yes, baby just giving her a hard time," Camilla smiles and I hit her upside the head. "What?!" Brice squealed jumping up and down. "Oops," Camilla mumble. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I will let you tell everyone when you are ready," Brice smiled and walked back to the classroom. "We are going home," Camilla mumbles wrapping her arms around my waist. "No, I am going home. Stay, I will fix dinner," I smirk showing my fangs. 

"O-okay," Camilla mumbles gulping loudly. "I will drive home with Brice so he can bring your car back, okay?" I ask looking up to Camilla. "Okay, baby," Camilla smiles looking down at me then kiss me softly. "I love you," I smile and kiss her cheek, causing her to blush. "I l-love you to-oo," Camilla stutters touching her cheek and walk me to her car. "See you later baby," Camilla winked and hugged me tightly. "See you later," I smile and got in the truck with Brice and drove off home. 

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