Chapter 38: The King's Quest

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"I'm also curious about that, my dad never told me anything about gramps other than his glazed steak. Maybe he's a warrior back in his days, or maybe he was something more than a warrior but who knows right?" he smiled, "by the way, do you still remember Haff-san?"

"Yeah, he was the one who asked us to join them here right?"

"Yes, yes. You see I'm really curious about him, you remember how he suddenly appeared in front of us right? I mean, isn't that interesting?"

"Now that you mention it, Haff-san isn't just an ordinary fighter. I recall him telling us that they are not from this world. I wonder where did they came from to have such great combat capabilities without using much effort?"

"Yeah right? I mean, people with such skills are a rare case and most of them were just told in myths and legends. That said, once we meet him again I'll ask him to train me, I want to learn how he does things effortlessly and of course how to be a better fighter. Oh, I'll also ask him to train you. I have no intentions of leaving you behind as my rival so I'll play it fair."

"Really, you're going to ask him?"



"Because why not right? C'mon Zerti, we both know he's a great fighter and admit that we also want to be like him."

"You're certainy right but..."


"I really want to learn everything myself, its more than satisfying when you learn and figure out things by yourself. You know, uhh I don't know how to describe it but there's that feeling you sense when you've done things your own way."

Terrence smiled, "I know what you mean Zerti, but asking someone for help once in a while is also something that we must do as a human. No man is an island and thus, we must ask others for their help when we need it. Yes, its great when you've achieved something by yourself but its better when you can celebrate that with someone that helped you or someone you've helped. The more the merrier."

Zerti went silent for a moment after he munched Terrence's words. He made a deep thought about it. Ever since he lost everything, his place, his home, his parents, and his brother. Ever since he lost all of those in his life he's been trying to do things by himself. He even left Pontiferre just to go with his own accord. There's so much that happened in his life that he forgot that there are people who can lend him a hand in his journey in life. He forgot that he exists because of the people who raised and helped him grow, he forgot that he still exists because Pontiferre took care of him when he was on the brink of death. He's been only focusing on getting things done by himself that he never noticed that there's always someone out there that's willing to help him out of his situation and Terrence made him remember that. He wasn't just his rival, he was also his friend. A friend that cares about him, a rival that wants to be on equal standing with him.

Zerti sighed and smiled as he finished internalizing, "Maybe you're right, I'm counting on you to ask him ok?"

"Aah! Just leave it to me."

Minutes passed and after the wait, Terrence's grandfather came out, holding his specialty dish. Terrence's eyes glimmered as he drooled on the delicious delicacy that his grandfather is holding, "Woah~ I can already tell that its tasty just from its looks, hurry up Ji-san put it on the table, I want to eat it so badly."

His grandfather chuckled, "Hai, hai. Really Terrence, do consider my age." he said sarcastically.

Terrence replied by sitting back to his chair, a gesture which made Zerti giggle softly. When the old man placed the meal on the table, Terrence quickly took a piece of the glazed steak. He couldn't wait anymore, his stomach is overpowering the brain's control over his body more than anything else, his taste buds are begging him to hand them the taste of food. As he munched the steak, the flavors exploded in his mouth. The rich taste of the tender meat, the sweetness of the honey glaze, the tinge of spiciness from the herbs and spices used as the meat was marinated to perfection were all mixing and satisfying his taste bud's desires.

"I can finally rest in peace now..." he said before letting out a burp shortly after, making his old man and Zerti to laugh at him.


Lively and refreshing music echoed through the large hall in Vrojen's castle as the celebration started. Nobles and other rich people gathered on the event to celebrate a new chapter for the Elves and the Adventurers. There were entertainers, food, drinks, and every other thing that one would look out for a big gathering such as what is currently happening inside the castle.

"Sugoi~ I've only watched this on animes but I never expected that I would experience it once in my life!" Mischa said as her eyes looked around the lively hall, "Ah~ I wish we could be in gatherings like this more often."

"I get what you mean Mischa." Sigrun added.

"Look! Look! There's food and drinks everywhere!" said the ever lively and cheerful Irish. Her eyes were glimmering as she looked around.

"Yeah right? I mean everywhere you look at is pretty amazing! Especially them beauties!"

"As expected of you." Jouzu muttered.

"Oi Min'na!" everyone turned their heads from where the voice was coming from, and was surprised to see Forte calling them, "How is everything going tonight?"

"Everything's going well Forte-san, I didn't expected the party to be this big though." Jouzu replied.

"I also thought the same, were in a completely different world are we?" Forte chuckled, "I've been at gatherings and celebrations back then but never on something like this! I was really surprised and amazed when I entered the hall. Everything is just sparkling. By the way, you all look great this evening! Jouzu, I know that you're a good-looking man but you look even better tonight! Of course the same compliments goes to the girls, you all look lovely this evening."

"Thanks Forte-san, but I believe you look better than me." Jouzu replied. The girls smiled and gave Forte thanks in chorus.

"Of course, in terms of good looking-ness. I am just below Jouzu." Nimbus proudly grinned.

"Where's the others Forte-san?"

"They're currently having a drink with the king and his council, they really got along well in that meeting don't they?" he chuckled.

"Seems like it."

"Oh that's right, I'm here to tell you something."


"Yeah, you remember when the king mentioned some 'bad guys' in the meeting?"

Jouzu's expression suddenly changed as soon as Forte mentioned it as if he knew where the conversation will be going, "Yeah, I remember the king telling something of that sort."

"As expected from you, then I'd get straight to the point. The 'bad guys' the king was talking about is apparently managed by one of the Demon Lord's Nine Apprentices, I've been going around the city before this celebration began and took it as an opportunity to gather intelligence from the past. I found out that this particular group belongs to the Apprentice of Greed, Vrojen has been dealing with them ever since the city was established."

"Amazing how their group got discovered but never caught one of its members, the Apprentice of Greed manages his people well. What sorts of things do they do in the city?"

"No idea about that, some said that they have assassinated persons who were about to uncover their organization but that's how far I can get from the people. They're far too secretive, too invisible."

"Yeah, they're pretty disciplined it seems."

"What do you think about them?"

"We still need more information, we first need to find the answer why the king wants them to be apprehended."

"Anyways, that's all I know for now. I'll be sure to contact you if I find out more about them, for now just enjoy the night and don't think too much of it." Forte said as he waved his goodbye to Jouzu.

"So, what did you talk about?" Sigrun asked.

"Nothing much, just our next quest for the king." he simply replied.

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