Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary

Start from the beginning

At 1:00 PM, Bella returned to their suite to find Prince playing his guitar with his eyes closed and in the throws of ecstasy. He did not hear her come in. He was in that place where he went when he, the Universe and his Creator were communicating. In that space there was no room for Bella. Only the 3 of them could enter into that space. But Bella did not mind. She knew that only parts of him would ever belong to her. The other parts were the sole property of God. She would never complain about those parts of him. She was grateful to have those parts of himself that he fully gave to her. She was also grateful to their God for allowing her to have whatever parts of this man called Prince that were agreeable to Him. He was her reason for being and she was always surprised by the beauty of that part of her existence. She sat down and waited while he finished playing the song. As he opened his eyes she was the first thing he saw. "There she is" he said smiling. "My Soul Sanctuary". He got up and crossed the room and gently gathered her up into his arms and kissed her. "How long were you sitting there" he asked? "Not long but I knew you were with The Creator and the Universe because you were glowing" she answered. He smiled and kissed her again. "Yes, I was. I was thanking Him for the life he is allowing us to lead together. Bella, I am so happy". " Me too" she said and rested her head upon his chest. They sat there for a little while and then pulled themselves back into the day they had before them and both changed into their practice togs and got ready for the soundcheck. They grabbed a quick lunch with Carlos and Elaine and Prince called the hotel and told them that he needed a feast for the band after the soundcheck delivered to the venue...primarily finger foods and sandwiches and juices and veggies...nothing that would be too heavy, but do include something sweet for dessert he asked. They needed to eat well to perform well! It was now 2:15. They returned to their rooms and grabbed their performance clothes and then the 4 met their bodyguards at the elevator and were whisked off to the soundcheck. It would be an especially good show tonight. Prince would do 4 encores...three of which were unplanned but requested by the applause of the audience. He would end the show...the last encore of the night with the song Soul Sanctuary...and tonight women all over Austria who had been childless with little hope of conceiving would fall pregnant by the seed of their men and would create great worship for The Creator for years to come. A very few of them would ever realize the connection of their blessing to the concert held in Vienna that night. But some would...and they would spread the message and the joy! "Praise the Creator", Prince and the band said as the night ended!

The band had traveled back to the hotel after the show and met in the bar where Christian was running a tab for food and drinks. Christian spoke to them about how amazing the concert had been. He spoke to them about how the entire tour had been excellent and about the growing numbers on the Album. They were now the number 1 Album in Europe and were holding that position nicely against the field of Albums that had hit the market since the beginning of their tour. They would now relax for a few days and then head for home. They would attend a wedding soon after their return, and they would start planning theirs earnestly in the next month or two. But professionally the next big step would be auditioning for the movie. They would be ready with the help of The Creator. Tonight though, they would celebrate the successful tour, the successful beginning to getting their lives back and the love that they shared as two couples for each other and for one another as well. When they parted company tonight, each of the two couples would experience the wonder of love, that which The Creator had made for a man and a woman to share with each other and they would once again realize how fortunate they were. As the evening ended and Prince and Bella cuddled in the night, they entered that time that Bella had prayed be able to do nothing all day but make love if they so chose and they would...but it still would not be anywhere like the ecstasy they would have once they married. But they did not know that...or at least Bella didn't and that was the way that it should have been. Prince would record for a day and the girls would finish the screenplay while he did and then they would site see in Austria, and a little in Switzerland. They cut Sweden from the trip, because they were having so much fun in Zurich and Vienna. Once they had sent the screenplay to Arista after giving Christian a copy, they would enjoy their downtime to the fullest.

Their joy would be enhanced by the announcement that Melvin had asked Helen to marry him and she had said yes! There would be lots of weddings in the future and lots of babies too. As their plane winged its way back to the states on Sunday, August 23, it carried a very happy band, security team, label executive and his wife, and Prince and Bella, Carlos and Elaine could not have been more thrilled for all involved. As they landed at LAX the happy group was enjoying banter that only those who knew each other extremely well could.

Prince noticed a woman and man sitting inside of the VIP terminal. There was nothing out standing about them, however as he looked at them he experienced a sense of darkness and evil unlike any he had ever before in his young life. The woman though wearing sunglasses was peering directly at him and Prince knew it, could feel it. Bella sensed it too and took a good look at the woman. She would not forget her, and her soul recognized the enemy in her. She would be ready to do battle when the time came the Holy Spirit whispered to her and so she did not allow the joy inside her to be disturbed. A showdown was coming between the enemy and the God of Creation and the 4 young people would be center stage to the drama as it played out!

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