I nodded. Dao cares for my safety. That I can understand much. What I can't understand is...

"How can you think that I can live with the fact that you will go inside something unknowingly dangerous and expect me to just stand on the side and do nothing? How can you think I can endure that?" I asked my twin.

"You can. And you will. Because I said so." Dao gave me a warning look. "Step aside, Wang Hua. Stay on the safe side. I can win this on my own."

I heard my fiance sighing. I turned my head to Jin to glare at him. "Why are you being quiet? Don't you have any opinion on this?"

Jin gave me a kind look. "When this thing between us started, I made it a rule not to get between you and your twin. When you felt that Dao was in danger and I tried telling you that I will find him for you, I saw a murderous glint in your eyes, Hua. That's when I realize, if I want to continue breathing by your side, I should never get between your twin and you while you two are making decisions about each other. I think it's sacred for the two of you."

His answer calmed me a bit. I leaned forward to kiss Jin's cheek. "Thank you. I...I'm sorry if I am acting grumpy because my brother frustrates me and I am breathing out the rage on you. It's just, he is important to me and I love him so much..."

"This is the reason why people think there is something more going on between us aside from being brother and sister." Dao uttered in an exasperated tone.

Jin and I turned away from each other so we can eye my brother again. "What do you mean "something more going on between us"?"

Dao stared intently at me. Then I heard Jin mumbling a crisp blasphemous word. I turn to him. "Do you understand what Dao means?" I asked my fiance.

But instead of answering me, a stormy look gather on Jin's eyes as he continued looking at Dao. "Can I have the names of the people who thinks like that?"

"Nadira," Dao said. "That's why I got angry at her awhile ago. But after thinking about, it made me curious how many others out there thinking the same thing about me and Hua." My brother rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers. "Everyone here in the Capital knows that we are quite close. We never hid it. We always make it plain for everyone to understand that Hua and I regard each other as precious to one another. But yes...I can see now how others might misinterpret that as something more."

I watched as Jin's face grew more disturbed with Dao's every word. "Misinterpret what?" I growled at both of them. They cannot ignore me like this!

Jin looked at me. His hand on mine tightened. "My love, your brother is talking about people misunderstanding what you and Dao meant to each other. They are...questioning the nature of your closeness."

"Why would they do that? Dao and I are twins. We love each other. We trust each other. What's to misunderstand on that?" I cannot fathom how anyone can confuse those facts about me and my brother.

"Great Buddha, you are innocent." Dao sighed.

I growled at him. "Then explain it to me plainly. I apologize for my stupidity and slow grasp of your words."

Dao flinched with my hard tone. "I didn't say you are stupid. Are you going deaf now? I said you are innocent. Innocent is not stupid, Wang Hua."

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