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Hoseok lifted Yn up slightly and one of the crew lifted her out and she was instantly wrapped in a big fluffy towel as the boys hauled themselves out, sloshing water all over the floor, accepting towels from staff as they toweled off their wet hair and wrung out their tops.

Jungkook wrapped a Cookie towel around Yn and pulled the hood over her head as she jumped into her sliders and took his hand, plodding to the next destination, wearing matching towels and walking hand in hand to be fitted with life jackets they looked very cute. They were given a quick briefing on health and safety as they were squeezed and strapped into their life jackets and helmets.
"Are you sure you wanna do this one Kitten? You can sit out." Yoongi reminded as they all walked towards the jetty to get into the ring and Yn let go of his hand.
"I'm good, i'm goooooood. I'm brave grumpy, I got this!" She smiled and he swallowed with a nervous nod as he got in with Jungkook, Jimin and Tae for their go leaving her with the others as she waved and shouted them off excitedly. 

"What if she doesn't hold on and get's thrown out?" Hoseok questioned out loud as he watched her screaming and shouting to the others being dragged around and Jin hit him.
"Shut up. It doesn't even bare thinking about. It won't happen."
"Even if it does, she'll just bob and float about with the jacket on, it's fine." One of the crew smiled as he reassured them she'd be fine even if she did fall out as they watched her hop into the ring first, followed by Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon as the others came back, soaked and full of laughter.

As they all sat in the ring as Hoseok gripped tightly while Jungkook leant over adjusting Yn's hands telling her not to grip too tightly or it'd hurt her hands.
"Okay papa! I'm okay! I'm good! I'm a big girl i'm gooooood!" She whined, just wanting to go instead of being fussed over. The ring was pulled away and the four boys on the jetty watched as it was full of Jin's screams as it left.
"At the end it was so fast. I hope she'll be okay." Jungkook mumbled as he took a mouthful of chicken while Jimin made sure to plate some of Yn's favourite things up ready for when she got off.

Meanwhile they were getting their first math question on the ring.
"125 x 7?" The crew shouted from the boat the boys all shouted 875 apart from Yn who was making it up as she went along.
"50000!"And they all laughed as the boat sped off again towards the shore. Their first question was right and they were allowed back to eat. Taehyung was right there with a towel waiting for Yn to be lifted off first and he wrapped her up like a cozy little bug as he carried her off to eat some warm food before starting the next challenge.
"Eat lots." Jungkook instructed as he sat next to her on the floor kissing her cheek while she picked up her first bit of food and started to munch away while humming boy with luv happily while she swayed from side to side. 

After lunch Yn was carried by Jin to the next jetty as the staff announced loudly the next game was water slides. Yn was stood in the middle of the group holding Jungkook and Jimin's hands as they all whooped and hooted about the huge slides in front of them. 
"It looks scary." Hoseok's face scrunched up, his eyebrows knit together in worry.
"It look's a bit scary" Namjoon agreed and the staff shouted across the rules.

"One player from each team goes down together, the member who stays in the air the longest is the winner! The team that wins three out of four times is the winner of the game!" There were slight arguments as to the unfairness of who had Yn on their team as she was so much smaller and lighter she was bound to stay in the air longer than any of the rest of them.
"Not true! The heavier members will get more speed down the slide which will allow them more speed and distance which is longer in the air." Namjoon intervened and the teams stayed the same.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi
Namjoon, Yn, Jin and Hoseok. 

Yoongi and Namjoon went first.
"GO PAPA JOONIE, GRUMPY DON'T WIN!" Yn shouted as they jogged off the jetty towards the stairs for the huge slides as they all laughed at Yn's words. 

Namjoon won the first round.
Jin and Jimin went up, Jimin won.
Hoseok and Taehyung went up, Hoseok won.
Last was Jungkook and Yn. 
He took her hand as they walked to the slides and the closer they got the quieter Yn became. As they neared the top Yn looked at him wide eyed.
"Papa this is tall..."
"You can go back if you want to and send papa Joonie up?" He said gently but Yn looked determined as she climbed the steps and sat down saying she was brave like papa's.

They both went shooting down the slide landing with ungraceful splashes at the end and they all laughed.
"All I could see was Kitten's surprised face as she come flying off" Yoongi laughed
"It's fun! Who won?!" Yn shouted as she was hauled onto the jetty with the other papas.
"Jungkook won!" The staff shouted which meant there would be a tie breaker. 
"Who should go princess?" Jungkook asked taking a towel from the staff as he dried her face off and wrapped her up, picking her up and setting her on his hip as she pointed straight away.

"Papa Jin and papa Tae Tae!" She grinned and Jin whined as Tae grinned and they went down again, Taehyung making them all laugh as he managed to do a flip in the air and little Yn was amazed and still laughing about it as they walked to the next game, where Yn started to mess with Yoongi about the fact he was sitting out because he was scared.

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