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The next day the boys were all rushing around getting ready to leave.
"PaPa JiMiN wHy ArE wE RuNnInG?" 
"Because we're really fudging late twinkle toes" Jimin mumbled as he grabbed her coat on hi way out the room.
"I tHoUgHt wE WeRe On HoLiDaY?!"
"We were but time off is finished and today's a work day." He explained as he thumped down the stairs and jogged out the door Jungkook was holding open for them, shutting it behind him as he joined them in the car.

On the way there were phone calls with apologies about being late, reassurance they were on their way etc. Jungkook put his phone down and placed a hand on Yn's head as she looked out the window.
"My good girl. You ok?"
"Mhmm. What are we doing today?"
"Ah well, we need to go to a photoshoot and interview for a magazine but were already behind." Jungkook explained with a smile at Yn and she nodded and tugged on his arm so he'd come closer and she whispered that in their rush they'd forgotten her bag.

Jungkook groaned and ran a hand through his hair and cursed under his breath. 

This was going to be a nightmare, they had no black jumper so if she got upset that's it. He put on a brave face for her and smiled as he kissed the top of her head telling her not to worry as he'd make sure she had food and drink when she wanted it and she could use their phones to keep herself busy. This pacified her enough and she nodded happily as she started to sing quietly to herself as she looked out the window, it was starting to rain. Jungkook watched as she traced the raindrops racing along the window with her finger singing away to herself happily and he smiled, she was a good little princess.

They arrived in a covered car park and Yn followed them all out standing by the door holding her hand out and like second nature Namjoon took it on his way past without even thinking about it. he knew she wasn't waiting for anyone in particular, just someone to hold her hand. He smiled down at her as he walked at a slower pace into the doors while the rest of them raced ahead to start getting ready. Yn was happily being tugged along by Namjoon through the winding corridors, the onoise of her papa's chatter up ahead as she hummed to herself absentmindedly looking around. 

She noticed lots of things. Lots of young men and women running around with clip boards, papers, files, rooms with glass doors and tables for people having meetings, lots of desks with computers and people typing away at  furious pace. Yn was singing Mikrokosmos to herself quietly when she noticed a girl with very curly hair walk around a corner with a lady. 

Namjoon felt a gentle tug on his sleeve as he spoke to Taehyung now they'd caught them up.
"Papa Joonie, Elsie's here."
"That's nice." Namjoon smiled not really listening as he picked her up thinking that's what she wanted as he continued to talk to Tae. Yn shook her head a little confused. Was it nice? Last time she saw Elsie it wasn't very nice and they weren't friends anymore, how was that nice? Yn stayed silent and confused in his arms as he carried her into the room where the photographer was set up along with stylists, shouting about how they needed to hurry up and as soon as someone was ready they'd start. 

Yn was placed down amidst the chaos as all her papas were sat in chairs by bossy 'noonas' and Yn giggled to herself as she remembered papa grumpy's words. Unnies. They were her 'unnies'. Yn rolled her eyes and wandered over to the laptop set up connected to the camera and all the lights and props set up. This didn't capture her attention for long and she went over to Jungkook.
"Papa? Can we play I spy?"
"Not now princess, sorry." Yn gave a little nod and wandered over to papa Tae Tae.
"Papa Tae Tae? Can we play the rhyming game?"
"Sorry baby girl, we've got to get ready quickly. Maybe in a minute."

Yn stomped her foot and looked at all the papa's too busy getting ready to stop and play with her. She huffed , looked at them all busy and left the room heading back the way she'd come. She was absolutely certain that curly haired girl was Elsie. She smiled at the few people working at desks who looked up as she skipped by and she waved happily as she continued on her merry way, if she got lost she'd just ask someone to take her back, she wasn't worried.

It didn't take Yn long to find the corridor where she'd seen the curly hair girl who looked like Elsie. She skipped down it and round the corner to find a room where the door was open a little way. She walked over and peeked inside.
"Elsie." Yn breathed. This was definitely Elsie but she seemed different somehow.
"Yn right? Why are you here alone?" Yn whipped around to see a tall older lady smiling down at her. She must know who she is because of her papas. Everyone seemed to know her name these days. Elsie's gaze shot up from where she sat with one leg over the other in her chair.
"Yn?" She called standing up and opening the door.

There was silence as their eyes locked on to each other.
"Elsie. It really is you." Yn muttered unsure how to process this situation. 

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