Chapter 40: Like A Version Part 3

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"Noely!" Trevante smiled into the phone high yet again. Rolling my eyes I shook my head. "Not even going to deal with it today." I hung up running my hand over my face. Feeling my eyes burning I wiped at them furiously.

"A drug addict can't be a good boyfriend. Looks like you're on the edge of running again." Vic joked. My head snapped in his direction anger bubbling to the surface. "You would know huh?" I clenched my jaw. "Cut the cameras!" I glared as all of the camera people left the room. The door closing behind them.

"You don't get to judge me or my boyfriend with your passive aggressive comments!" I threw my phone across the room. "Am I wrong though?" He stood above me. "Yes!" I yelled. "Yes you are as a matter of fact!" I stood pushing him away from me.

"Noel, since I've known you all you do is run! Nothing ever sticks with you, I'm even surprised you've stuck with this music thing for so long!" Vic stood his ground. "I didn't run away from you! You forced my hand!" I shouted. "Forced your hand? You could've stayed and you know it! You chose not too!" Vic pointed his finger at me.

"In case you have a short fucking memory you put your hands on me anytime you felt like it! I was in fucking high school!" I yelled. "I love you Vic, I always will and you know that! But I love Trevante too and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want you in my life but if you can't sit back and be a friend rather than someone who judges me then this won't work!" I pointed into his chest.

"What makes him so different? What is it about him that makes you want to stay when you couldn't even do that for me?" Vic asked through his teeth. Tears threatening to spill. "And I want the truth!" He demanded.

"He takes the time listen to me." I answered steadily. "What? Noel I listened to you!" He smacked his lips. "See you just did it," I said. "You didn't even listen to what I just told you. You react as soon as my last word leaves my mouth. You never took the time to see how I was doing. You wanted things your way and you weren't ever losing an argument." I explained.

"Do you know how bad that damaged me?" I asked looking into his eyes fully. "You were a drug addict that didn't see that he was one and hits anyone out his way that told him he might have a problem. He hits people when they don't want to stay the night because it was a school night and they were still in high school. He even hits people because he thinks that hitting them more after they're knocked unconscious is a way to change their mind about coming out to their parents." I listed off.

"Trevante doesn't hit me if he thinks I'm wrong about something. He explains why and a different point of view. He also comforts me when I'm not okay and doesn't try to drug me up to get my mind off of it."

"I get it!" He said silencing me. "I was a drug addict I can admit that. I hit you so many times when there shouldn't have been a time that I ever laid my hands on you." He got closer. "I'm sorry for that too." He stopped right in front of me.

"But I'm not going to sit here and act like there isn't a problem when there is!" He shook his head.


"No." Vic answered harshly. "Vic I'm not playing. Please leave." I felt my temper rising. "No, I don't have to if I don't want to." He crossed his arms across his chest. "Fine then I'll leave." I turned around grabbing my laptop and bag.

"No you're not." Vic grabbed my wrist.

I chuckled to myself shaking my head. "Get your hand off of me, this is a warning." I spoke steadily. My glare icy as it pierced through him. Vic's jaw clenched as he snatched his hand away. "Sorry." He whispered.

Nodding I walked out of the studio heading to the hotel. I knew the house should be empty since my aunts and mom decided to go to an after party for the Versace fashion show. I could go blow some steam off in the shower in peace.

Entering the hotel I smiled at the conceirge before pressing our floor button.

Stepping into the suite I realized something was wrong instantly. The place looked ransacked for one and for two there were two men staring at me through black ski mask.

"Oh shit!" Was all I heard before a piercing pain stung through my shoulder. Another piercing my chest a second later.


"So we're here again huh?" My grandfathers voice turned my head. Seeing him smiling beside me. His dark eyes were full of happiness as they bounced off his all white suit. "Hey Papa." I smiled back at him, pulling him into a close hug. "You look good in white." He said softly, chuckling as he squeezed me tighter.

"You didn't deserve what happened." He said to me once we pulled away. "I didn't even know what was going on." I shook my head. "There was a robbery, your mom wasn't hurt but they weren't expecting you to come back so early. One of those bastards were trigger happy and shot you." He explained.

"Moms there?" Both of my eyebrows rose in high alert. "Yes but she's not hurt Noel I promise." He placed his hand on my chest. Centering me as I calmed my nerves.

"Everyone's okay." He reassured me. I took deep breaths as I steadied my nerves. Nodding once my spark of panic passed.

"I see you told Vic off." He laughed. Smiling and nodding at the same time I joined in on his laughter. "I finally did it." I laughed unhumorously. "He's gonna take my death hard." I dropped my smile as he and Trevante entered my mind. "Let's not speak too soon baby boy." My grandfather stood. "Let's take a walk." He said. I stood beside him hugging him fully. "I miss you so much Papa." I whispered. "I'm always here. You know that my sweet Noel." He kissed the top of my head.


"Ma'm you can't go back there!" A doctor with a very strong a French accent stop Kim from entering the emergency surgery room. "I'm his mom you have to let me back there!" She pleaded hysterically. "I understand but you won't be helping him or yourself if you see him like that." He reasoned.

"Kim, lets just go to the waiting room and wait for them to give us updates." Kourtney pulled on her sisters arm. Contemplating her sisters advice Kim conceded and followed her to the all familiar sterile room.

"Mom and Corey are on their way. Kylie and Khloe are too. They got Kanye off stage and he's flying in with them also." Kendall listed off as Kim's assistant was still on the phone in the corner. Kim nodded silently as she held herself.

"Have you called Trevante?" Kourtney asked. "No but I'm on it." The younger sister stepped outside of the room.

"Kenny! Do you know where Noel is? He hung up on me, I think he's mad!" Trevante slurred his words as he answered the call. "Tre, I think you might want to sober up." Kendall sniffled.

"Why? Noel said the same thing yesterday before he hung up. I don't have a problem." He whined. "He's gone, Noel is gone as of right now and we need you here!" Kendall tearfully told him. "What do you mean gone? He goes for rides but he comes back." He rose his eyebrow. "Dead Trevante! Noel's dead! So I need you to sober up and get on the first flight to France!" She yelled. "Oh." He fell silent.

"I'm calling my agent right now." He seemed to wake up as he stood. "I will call you if we hear anything." She hung up willing herself not to cry harder.

Sinking down to the floor she placed her phone beside her.

"Please tell me he's okay?" Vic's voice asked over his labored breaths. "No," Kendall shook her head. "He was shot twice of course he's not okay." She seethed. "I don't know why he came home so early but I have a hunch that it was because of you." She glared. "And if it was you're cut out of his life! You have been at the hand of his suffering for too long and I'm stopping it right now!" She affirmed.

"Talk to his bitch of a boyfriend!" Vic sniped. "Oh I will when he gets here, he might not be here too much longer either." She said standing up.

"When we go in act like everything's normal, Kim is not okay right now." Kendal said, opening the door to the waiting room a second later. 


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