Chapter 8: POV

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"Ma I'm headed to the studio!" I called out. "Be back early tonight Noel we leave in the morning!" She yelled back. "I gotcha!" I answered heading out. I texted Tre the address, driving myself there in silence. My mind was still racing from earlier as I still hadn't digested everything that happened.

I got in the car and headed to the studio in silence. There was so many ideas for songs and melodies clouding my head. So cliche to write a song about heartbreak. Shut the fuck up!

I pulled into the parking lot and parked leaning on my door to wait for Trevante. I played my dad and uncles song Blame Game because that's exactly how I was feeling right now.

My door opened about halfway through the song making me turn towards the passenger seat. "What's up Mr. West." Trevante goofily greeted me. I smiled softly turning off my car. "Hey Tre." I grabbed my secret stash in the glove compartment and laptop before getting out. "You okay?" He rose his eyebrow looking at me as he closed his door.

"Yeah just a lot floating around in my head right now." I answered. "Want to talk about it?" Trevante came to stand beside me. "When we get in there." I nodded towards the studio. He nodded as I closed my door and followed after me.

"You can chill on the couch or the chair. I need to set things up." I said setting my laptop down so I could fix the controls on the panel. "Cool." He sat back on the couch getting comfortable.

I worked silently getting the mix right before I went to record. Things were going crazy in my head right now as I thought of the different ways I could write this songs.

"Penny for your thoughts." Trevante said after a while. I looked up and sighed. "Before I met you one of my friends that I thought was straight confessed their feelings for me. And I would be flattered that he likes me but I was in love with him for years before this and now that I was letting go of it he told me. Now he wants to take it further and actually pursue something but I just don't know if he actually likes me or he doesn't want to lose me. I'm seriously confused right now." I vented.

"So he brought back old feelings?" Trevante asked. "Not even old feelings because I don't even think I like him like that anymore but I don't know how to tell him that without losing him as a friend. He keeps harassing me for an answer and because he's seen pictures of us together. Everytime we talk it turns into us screaming at each other and I end up hanging up. It's tiring because I don't want to hurt his feelings." I explained. He nodded deep in thought.

"I think you two should talk by yourselves. No cameras or friends just you two. Therefore you can listen fully to what you two want. Figure it out from there but not letting him know that you don't reciprocate his feelings will only hurt him if you string him along." Trevante advised. I nodded taking everything he said in. "I'll think about it." I finally said after a beat.

Do you mind pressing the record button? I feel like I'm ready to say what I need to." I asked. "Sure." He moved into the chair I just stood from. "Just press this when I give you the thumbs up." I instructed before heading into the booth.


"Is this going to be a single?" Trevante asked as I was packing my things for the day. I had only recorded that song and was going to run through some beats when I got home since I needed to be up tomorrow. "Most likely. I feel like my album won't be singing though since I can't really sing like that." I chuckled. "But what if you do an R&B album that would be dope." Trevante smiled. "It would wouldn't it?" I laughed causing him to laugh to.

Me and him both headed out of the studio to our cars. Thankfully nobody had tipped off the paparazzi that we were there. "This is your last day here isn't it?" He asked me as I leaned against my car. "Yeah we head back to Cali in the morning." I frowned a little. "I'll be back by Tuesday next week maybe we can meet up and do something. If you're up for it." He offered. "Sure just call me. Whatever you plan is fine though I honestly don't care." I agreed. "It's a date." He bit his bottom lip and stuffed his hands into his front pocket. I nodded not responding.

"I'll see you then Mr. West." He pulled me into a hug. "Till then Trevante." I kissed his cheek causing his smile to get wider. "Quit doing that unless you want the real thing." Trevante joked. I chuckled to myself shaking my head. "You're the one that's playing." I smiled then licked my lips. "What? Me?" He playfully fiend offense. "Yeah you." I nodded. "Okay, I'll stop then." He grabbed my chin and placing his lips fully on mine.

I was shocked that he was kissing me but I soon fell into rhythm with him. We both pulled away breathless after a moment staring at each other. "See you Tuesday." He pecked my lips again and got in his car. I smiled getting into mine and settling in before pulling off.

I pulled out my phone and called Justine, pulling out of the parking lot in the process.

"Hello?" Justine answered after the first ring. "You busy right now?" I asked. "No, why something up?" She asked. "Nah, I was just asking if you wanted to get something to eat with me. I need to talk to you too, it's my treat." I told her. "Sure. Where to?" She asked. "I don't know, you decide. I'll be there in like 20 minutes." I suggested. She giggled to my response. "Okay, I'll see you when you get here." She answered and hung up.


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