Chapter 9: POV

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"So Trevante wants you to have a conversation alone with someone who has feelings for you? Who is this person anyway?" She asked. Justine had suggested we go to Waffle House since she was craving it. So we found the nearest one from the condo. "You know him." I answered taking a sip of my milkshake. "Well who?" She asked taking a bite from her waffles. "Jaden." I lowered my voice. "Smith?" She leaned closer to me. I nodded. "Wait But he dated Kyls why is he trying to date you now?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Me and Jaden kissed about 2 months ago. He was acting like he was drunk but confessed that he wasn't right before we came here." I spilled. "So Jaden is bi?" She asked. "I guess I never really asked I don't think he labels himself he's fluid in his sexuality." I answered.

She nodded taking everything in. "Do you like him?" She asked. "I was in love with him at one point. Now I don't even know, I'm so confused and he's not making it any better by harassing me every second of the day to make a decision." I sighed. "And what about Trevante?" She rose her eyebrow.

"I can see it being something more. We just met after all. Better kisser though." I slyly smiled. Justine squealed looking at me happily. "It happened tonight?" She asked. I nodded with a smile. "I ship it!" She said. I chuckled sipping from my milkshake again. "So that means he's serious about this then?" She asked. "I guess. He wants to take me on a date when he gets back to Cali, Tuesday." I informed her. "I'm so helping you get ready for it. I'm so happy for you!" She cheered. I smiled genuinely at her. "Thank you Justine." I said. She waved me off. "I told you I would be here for you through everything." She ate some more a smile permanently on her face.

"Speaking of that my Aunt Kourtney said the exact same thing to me earlier." I said. "Did you tell her?" She asked. I shook my head. "I don't think I'm ready to tell my family. I know she definitely won't tell anyone else but I'm just not comfortable yet." I explained. "Maybe you should start with her though. Maybe talk to her about a few things so if I'm ever not available you can talk to her." She suggested. "You think so?" I asked. "Yeah, your Aunt literally is the best secret keeper. Your family still doesn't know Kendall got cited for carrying weed on an airplane because Kourtney handled it. You didn't know that until I just told you." She giggled.

I nodded taking this new information in. "I'll think about it." I smiled softly at her.


I knocked on my Aunt Kourtney's door early the next morning wanting to talk to her before everything headed into chaos as it always did with traveling days. Crying kids, cranky adults and miscommunications that are bound to happen when we travel in big groups.

"Come in!" I heard her yell. I entered her room to see her finishing her packing. "Hey KeKe." My voice cracked as I stuffed my hands in my pockets feeling my anxiety rising. "You okay?" She stopped packing momentarily looking at me. I nodded. "I need to talk to you about something. It's important actually. You just have to promise that you won't turn against me after this." I said staring a hole into the floor.

"Noel." She said softly. "You have to promise okay?" My voice shaking but firm. "Okay. I promise." She caressed my face wiping my tears. I nodded. I felt like a punk crying already and I didn't even say anything yet.

"So yesterday before you walked outside I was on the phone with Jaden and we were arguing which is why I was so mad yesterday. We were talking about our relationship and how things are changing between us." I explained sniffing in between the explanation. "Ok. Changing how?" She asked.

"Um... he told me he liked me a few days before we came here." I tested the waters with her. "Like as in friend like or as in like as something more?" She asked. "The second." I said softly. She nodded.

"Don't hate me please." I burst into tears even scaring myself. "Noel." She pulled me into a hug. "I couldn't hate you." "I'm sorry." I apologized feeling myself shaking. She rubbed my back trying to comfort me. "Listen to me, I will never hate you just because you're not straight. I love you so much and I want you to be happy so if liking a boy and being in a relationship with him is what makes you happy I'll be there to protect you from the bullies." She said steady and stern. Her words were bringing me comfort effectively calming me down.

"I have your back okay?" She reassured me. "Okay." I wiped my face with the help of her. "This is safe with me." She hugged me again. I nodded. "Thank you KeKe." I said softly. "Always." She smiled. "I'm gonna go finish packing." I sniffed heading towards her door. "Noel." She called before I could turn the doorknob. I turned towards her waiting. "Thank you for trusting me." She said. I nodded with a small smile and headed out of her room.


"No!" Saint reached up to me, patting my leg to get my attention. "Hey bubba." I picked him up and kissing his face. We were heading to our private plane to go back home. I was gonna work on some beats and finally start my album while I had this down time.

"Spongebob!" He cheered. "We'll watch when we get on the plane." I smiled at him. "Yay!" He cheesed at me. I kissed his forehead as we proceeded to the plane.

"Noel do you have everything?" My mom checked with me as I boarded the plane soon after. "Yes I double checked." I answered getting comfortable in my seat with Saint in my lap. She stared at me for a few seconds before swiping under my eye. "Have you been crying?" She asked studying both of my eyes now. I shook my head breaking out of her hands. "Didn't get any sleep last night." I answered.

She rose her eyebrow I could tell she wasn't believing me but she left it alone. "Try to get some sleep on our way back, No. We have a Yeezy meeting as soon as we get back." She said. I nodded pulling out my laptop for Saint. "Noel did you finish a song?" My dad asked soon after. 

I nodded. "It needs mixing though." I answered him softly. "Send it to me I'll work on it." He said. "Yes sir." I sent the track from my phone and solely focusing on Saint and SpongeBob for the rest of our plane ride.


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