Chapter 17: Love

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About a week later Noel sat in his grandmothers house along with his Aunts Kourtney and Khloe. He had told Kourtney that he was coming out to Kris today so she brought Khloe along for moral support even though she didn't know either. 

Kris had cooked them lunch and they were all at the table eating. He received a look from his Aunt to go ahead and start the conversation. Seeing as Kris was his manager she had to know before anyone else so she could block the PR storm before it started.

"Lovely?" He interrupted her conversation with KoKo. Noel shifted uneasily in his seat. "I have to tell you something." He finished the interruption gaining their full attention. "Do you remember when Jaden and I got into a fight and I said it was just a disagreement?" I started.

"Yes, was it not?" She nodded. "It was but that's only half the story. Jaden and I have some history that only me and him know about. But I feel like I'm betraying everyone's trust by not telling you the whole thing." I nodded with a sigh. Khloe gave her mom a worried look as Noel paused to go over his thoughts before he actually said them.

"A few months ago we kissed. I was drunk but he wasn't. After that he started acting weird and the week I left for New York he told me that he liked me." Noel confessed. "Well? Do you like him back?" Kris nudged as Khloe's eyes widened.

He shook his head slowly. "I was in love with him since we were younger. He denied his feelings until he had no one else to go to so he decided I was his last choice and I decided that same day that I was no ones last choice. That's why he hit me." Noel explained. "So the day you came to Kourt's house he had just beat you up?" Khloe connected the dots.

Noel silently nodded. "I'm telling you guys this because I love you too much to keep you in the dark any more than I have in the past." Noel felt his eyes sting. "Can I ask you a question?" Kris sat her head on the palm of her hand. "Sure Lovely." He sniffled. "Why didn't you feel comfortable telling us?"  She getting just as emotional as her grandson.

He shook his head not meeting her eyes. "I've seen people get thrown out of their houses because they were different. One of my childhood friends died because he was gay and his dad couldn't have a "fag" as a son. I didn't want the same to happen to me. I just didn't want you guys to hate me." He said softly tears flowing from his eyes. "Noel we could never hate you." Khloe moved her seat closer to her nephew wiping his tears as his grandmother wiped her eyes with a napkin.

"Noel you're my oldest grandchild, you've taught me a lot of things over the years that I didn't learn from your mother or aunts. I love you with everything in me, I just don't understand how you could think I would hate you for being yourself." Kris told him solemnly. "I'm sorry." His voice cracked.

Kris stood making her way to her grandson and pulling him up for a much needed hug. "There's no need to apologize." She rocked him from side to side. "I love you so much Noel and I never want you to be afraid of telling me things that are important to you." Noel took a deep breathe trying to calm his tears. He nodded wiping his tears as much as he could with the help of his grandmother.

"And I still love you Noely." Khloe hugged him tight as he relaxed in her embrace. "I love you too." He answered back softly.

After a few minutes Khloe released him so he could hug Kourtney who had a teary smile on her face. "That wasn't so bad was it?" She smiled. Noel shook his head pulling her into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered. "Everytime." She patted his back and smiled.

"Have you told your mom?" Lovely asked getting a glass of water before sitting in her previous seat. "Not yet. I can't find the right time." He answered continuing to eat. "Do you want us there?" Kourtney followed up. He shook his head firmly. "I don't want her to feel crowded. I haven't even told Ken and Kyls." He told them.

"When are you planning to tell them?" Khloe interjected. "We're going shopping in a few days with Trevante so I'll probably tell them then." I shrugged my shoulders. "So is he your boyfriend?" Khloe smirked.

"No." Noel blushed ducking his head. "Not yet anyway." He smiled. "You have to tell us everything!" Khloe squealed.


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