Chapter 25: patch it up

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"Do you need me to drop you off at home?" I asked Vic. "Nah, me and Bry are working on my album so I'm staying here." He shook his head. "But you left your car at the go-cart place." I reminded him. "No worries, I already told my manager to go pick it up." He waved me off. "Okay. I'll text you when I make it home." I told him. "For sure. Drive safe for me okay?" He pulled me into a hug. "Definitely." I smiled as we let go.

"Later." I walked to my car. He didn't leave the doorway until I pulled out of the driveway and headed back to Calabasas.

I turned on my phone finally letting it rest in my passenger seat as it buzzed from every notification that I hadn't received in a full 12 hours.

Riding in silence was peaceful. My mind was at ease even though this day was more than easy. I feel like I needed to release that truth to my mom before anything else. Explaining the outburst of Damian would be a whole other problem though.

See, the only people that knew about Dame was Vic, Kylie and Kendall because he came out once before right after Kendall and Kylie found me at Lovely's. And again with Vic when I finally admitted I was gay. He protected me when he felt I needed it. He wasn't entirely bad but sometimes he's not the voice of reason that I need. But I appreciate him sometimes.

I pulled into my Aunt Kourtney's house turning off my car momentarily to look at my phone. I answered Trevante and Justine telling them I was okay and I'd call them later on to fill them in.

As far as my family I knew they were here. No matter how much they wouldn't admit it my Aunt Kourtney was the strongest in the family as far as emotionally. They leaned on her whenever things went wrong. That and the many cars in her driveway that told me they were all here.

Getting out of my car I headed to her front door and entering the house. "Keeks!" I yelled into the house.

"Noel!" Her voice called out. "Yeah it's me." I answered right back hearing footsteps echoing off of her walls. My mom appeared, her eyes red as she pulled me into a tight embrace. "Hey." She greeted me quietly as I hugged her back. "Hi mom." I relaxed realizing she wasn't mad.

"When we get home we have to have a discussion but for right now let's not worry about that okay?" She rubbed my back. I nodded. "I'm sorry for scaring you." I told her as she released me from her embrace. "Don't apologize. None of this is your fault and it never will be." She told me. "Lovely set up a therapy session with just us next week while we're in New York." She followed up as she led me to the kitchen. "Why New York?" I asked. "Well you Noel have a performance and interview at Good Morning America." She smiled warmly making me smile.

"Really?" I asked. "Yeah, in front of Time Square." She smiled. "That's awesome!" I hugged her excitedly. "Thank Lovely, she set everything up." She giggled. I headed into the kitchen making a beeline towards Lovely.

"Lovely!" I hugged her as she laughed hugging me back. "Thank you so much." I whispered. "You're so welcome!" She smiled kissing my forehead.

"How?" I sat on the counter. "They called me! You do have the number one song in the country Noel it was more than just them that asked but since you have the Oscars that following Sunday I decided you needed those back to back to keep the buzz going." She explained.

I nodded taking everything in with a small smile. "You're the best you know that right?" I told her. "I'm sorry about today, I didn't want that to happen." "Don't apologize, it was real and I think we needed to see that. Now you just need to heal and we'll be right there to help." She touched my knee. I nodded grateful for her understanding.

"I think your aunts are waiting in the movie room." She told me. "I'll go talk to them." I hopped down from the counter and hugged her one last time before heading down the hall to the movie room.

As they all looked at me I smiled softly. "Hey." I spoke. Kylie was the first to reach me, tears escaping her eyes. "Don't do that again!" She cried hitting me in the chest. The hits weren't hard but I grabbed her arms to stop them. "I need you!" She said surprising everyone in the room. "I'm sorry." I hugged her.

"No! Don't be sorry!" She shook harder. Kendall came to hug us too as Kylie hugged me tighter. "Please just talk to us! Let us in!" She sniffled. I nodded kissing the top of her head as I rubbed her back in comfort. "Okay." I told her softly. "Okay?" She asked. "Yeah." I nodded.

Not wanting to interrupt our moment until it was over my older aunts hugged me also telling me the same things as my younger aunts but more sternly.

"Call Trevante when you get the chance. He's worried." My Aunt Kourtney whispered as she hugged me tight. "I will. I texted him already but I'll call him and Justine." I told her. She nodded. "Sit it's movie time." She broke her embrace around me. I found a seat between Kylie and my mom as my Aunt put in a movie for us to watch. Lovely came in soon after to complete the group.


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