I asked my Baba to help me and my friends with introduction to Madam Dei, a woman of the world who owns a famous brothel close to the market place. The good madam taught us a lot and let us enjoy the company of her "girls" as she called them when in actuality, they are experienced courtesans paid to give pleasure to their customers.

I learned quite a lot that night. It is an "experience" indeed.

But I still don't see what all the fuss is about.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Father asked, in all serious tone. "Your Baba said that you promised him that you will inform me about that...experience you had."

I looked at my Baba. "Did I promise that?"

Baba glowered at me. "You did."

"Oh...then maybe I forgot. The thing with Hua and Prince Jin happened and I think I lost that promise along the way. I am truly sorry, Father. Baba..." I humbly apologized. My manners and words all proper and polite.

Father had a pained look on his face. "He is like that "boy", Captain. Annoying me to no end. Bringing me close to my death." He mumbled tiredly to Baba.

"Dayu ah," Baba touched Father's arm in a consoling fashion. "It will be alright." My sire added.

Father flinched like Baba whipped him. "What will be alright? That boy..." Father put both of his palms on his face.

I am finding his behavior strange. "What is going on? Who is "that boy" you are talking about?" I asked my parents.

"No one..." Baba replied with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"None of your concern," Father visibly took a deep calming breath. "Forget about that boy. Forget that we mentioned him..."

Well, that's not confusing at all. Forgetting "that boy" is easy because I don't know him in the first place. But I am now wondering who "that boy" is because my parents both looked rattled about him.

"Well, I am sorry if the promise I made to inform Father about my introduction to carnal experience has been lost. But I don't truly see why it will be such a big deal. Sex is not all that much, anyways." I said with a shrug. I really don't understand what's to be concern about it.

Both my parents looked at me intently. "You didn't find it enjoyable?" Father asked.

"I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot. I just don't see what the fuss is all about it. It's just sex..." I said.

Father turned sharply at Baba. "What have you done to our son?" He asked angrily to my sire.

Baba shook his head frantically. "I don't know. I just helped him that night. He came back looking well with a bit more knowledge in him. I don't know what is wrong with him..."

"He said it's just sex. No! It was never just sex!" Father adamantly said.

"Dayu ah..." Baba sighed.

Father gestured at me. "Why is he like that? Talking so casually about this? He is acting differently towards sex, different from us..."

"It's because you love each other," I chimed in to their serious discussion. I smiled at my parents who both turned their eyes on me. "You love each other, that's why sex has a deeper meaning to you both. I don't love the ladies I lay down with, Father."

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now