The Purple Triangle

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so hey guies! this is a compleatly original sory by me! @OrignalKerrotLuver... i wrote this in 7thgrade i think... or maybe 6th... so a long time ago! and i had some1 ask me why i didnt post it on here... and i thought... huh... y didnt i!? so here it is! i only wrote 6 chapters and abandoned it on my comp so ill have to pick up where i left off maybe 4 years ago! bare with me! <3 thanks for reading <3

Amber leads a lonley life. Sure she has pleanty of friends and great roommates but wouldn't you feel lonley if you were at Glennville Academy for the Lost Child? Abandoned by parents who left the hospital the hour she was born, Amber enjoys the simpler things in life. Sudenly all those simpler things are lost and she is thrown into a world she didnt know existed and is forced to realize the truth about her parents, her life and her friends. "Dont enter the woods unless you are prepared to face the consiwquinces" if only she had listened.

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