Author's Note.

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Thank you to my beloved readers for getting this far! The story, at last, is complete! But do not fear, a sequel is already hot on the press.

Read on for a preview!


Things won't ever be the same. They can't be - not after everything the rebels did. The Enigma Council is an enigma no more; their violent character at last exposed. The whispers run through the entire Arena; "Down with the Council." From tent to tent, student to student, friends and enemies connect in one accord. Down with the Council.

Judgement is coming.

"This is the third attack in just over a year," Donovan gasps, back tight against the wall as the lights flicker out.

"You'd think they'd get the hint," I reply, then to the others, "Get in positions. They're tunnelling under the Arena; my guess is that they'll surface around Sect 4."

"Those are the tents where Adeline had her meetings, right?" Don asks, fear in his eyes, "Will they be ok?"

"Of course they will," I bite back, "They're rebels, not Council soldiers. They don't want to hurt anyone - they're just looking..."

"They're looking for you," he reminds me.

"I know. I know they are - but I'm not ready to leave, not yet, at least."

"Your Joshua Rigby won't rest until you're safely with them. He's at the head of all these raids on the Academy - you know that, right?"

I give Don a sharp glare and he sucks back tighter against the Arena wall. Even in the near-darkness, I can see his wolffish grin.

"I'm not leaving you," I say decidedly, "Nor any of the students here."

"I know," he shrugs, "That's why we love you."

A scream echoes through the dark. That's the signal.


A bitter cold blasts across the mountainside, wind whipping the snow in whorls of streaking white. My skin is numb.

"We'll find him," I gasp out, "I promise."

"Quit making promises you can't keep! That's my job!"

"This one I can keep. I have to."

"Why? Why must it be you?"

I stop in the snow, bracing myself against the gale.

"I'm the only one who can. None of you stand a chance. It has to be me."

"We can fight together!"

"Then you'd all die together!" I yell back. "I'm the only one who can face him. It has to be me."

"But... why?"

I shrug. "You said it yourself; 'It's written in the stars' or some junk."

"You can't just do this because 'destiny chose you.'"

"I'm doing it because it's the destiny I choose. This is my new world. This is how I choose to live... How I choose to die."


Our swords clash together and the sound echoes through the great hall, the crystal chandelier trembling. I stumble back with the force, and he lunges forward with impeccable timing and grace.

In a flash of fiery eyes and a swishing cape, he attacks and I am helpless to defend. I cry out in pain as I stumble back over the stairs and my sword clatters across the glistening marble floor. He's on me in a breath and I'm winded, gasping for air as he presses his sword to my throat.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now