57. r o u n d ~ o n e : Do Your Worst.

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I sat beside Frankie at dinner, mostly trying to avoid making eye-contact. I wasn't sure what to think of her.

"Josh, if you were an animal, what would it be?" Dallas asked, straddling a chair and grinning ear-to-ear. The cheery chatter was all part of the distraction- nobody wanted to think about the Tournaments that were encroaching on us second by second.
The Nominating Ball was where one leader was chosen- the people's choice. They needed charm, intelligence and charisma, or, in Ace's case, a legendary backstory that had us all voting for a miracle. But the Tournaments- they were the sorting tool of the Council's making, to weed out the weak and raise up the most ruthless fighters. The Alpha and the Champion; the two key players in the Council's evil game.

"I don't know," I said, "Maybe like a dog or something."

"Pssh, boring," he said. "What about you, Frankie?"

"A bunny," she said immediately, "Because they're super cute and so cuddly."

"See?" Dallas asked pointedly, "Much better response."

Ace hadn't come to dinner yet, and I was worried about her. Dallas had said she was fine but hadn't told us where she was or what she was doing. And after she'd stormed out of the meeting earlier, she could have been getting herself into trouble. Also, a twin was missing.

"Frankie, where's Tyler?" I asked. Sebastian's bright blue eyes swept the room, too.

"He never tells me anything, anymore. I couldn't care less," she said tightly. It was clear that she did care.

Andy decided to pipe up, "He's probably trying to make it up to Ace. Y'know, for kicking her out of the plan."

"C'mon, Andy- it was for the best," Dallas said quietly. Andy looked at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean, for the best? You heard what she said, Dallas. We're not playing a game, guys- this is serious, dangerous stuff! The Council could kill us. And that doesn't scare you in the slightest?"

"Don't be like this," Dallas said, "It'll be okay. I won't let you get hurt."

Andy stood up, his chair skittering backwards from the end of the table. Rowan had been walking up behind him and froze at the sudden movement.

"You know what, Dallas?" Andy asked, his voice strung high, "For once, I don't believe you."

He shrugged away from the table, as if shaking himself out of the situation. He charged off as Rowan took a seat next to Sebastian.

"Andy, wait up~" Dallas called after him, running off.

I looked around at the group. Frankie just shook her head. Rowan looked confused, and Sebastian muttered a few quiet things to him.

"Is anybody else kind of concerned about Ace right now?" I asked.

Frankie scoffed. "She's probably still sulking."

"Frankie," Seb warned gently, "I know you're stressed. Let's not take it out on each other."

There was quiet. "Rowan," I asked, "Do you know where Tyler is?"

"Left his room a minute ago. Ace is getting food. I know she's the one you're worried about."

He gestured behind him. It took me a minute to spot Ace, but when I did, I instantly felt relieved. "As much as she likes to think she does," I said quietly, "Ace doesn't do well on her own. She needs us. Maybe even more now, than ever."

"We did just crush her dreams," Rowan said. Everyone stared at him. "She finally wanted to be part of the rebellion," he elaborated, "We stopped her."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now