31. Freedom Is Mine!

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I opened the door to Cell Z, stepping back as mist poured out of the opening. I walked through the icy cloud to see a figure slumped across on the other side of the Cell, down on his knees in tattered grey shorts. His skin was lily white, and his hair was a platinum blonde: like snow.

I'd heard enough about him to know that the ice that clung to the Cell walls was from him, and the frosty air was all his doing. I knew perfectly well how dangerous he was, yet I was so curious to see his face. So fascinated to watch his movements. I took one careful step forward, walking slowly. Taking a deep breath, I said his name.


Hearing my voice, he turned his head slowly upwards, and when he looked me in the eyes, I could not help but gasp. His eyes were the bluest I had ever seen, so bright they practically glowed. And he was surprisingly, extremely good looking.

I mean, seriously; he was gorgeous! Nobody told me the Accident was freakin' hot!

I held his gaze for a while. It was as if he was deciding whether to speak. He looked just as astonished to see me, as I was to see him.

"I'm dead," he said slowly, his voice metallic and thick, "And you're the angel who's come to decide my fate."

I tried to speak, but was stopped by the rattling of chains as he climbed to his feet. He was taller than I, with not a scrap of fat on him; all muscle and visible ribs. He continued in a somber voice, "I'd always heard that Death was lovely... I wasn't expecting her to be so strikingly beautiful..."

I was speechless. His eyes were so full of pain, his words were so full of poetry. I pushed the entrancing feeling aside and managed a smirk. "Death is very flattered. But the thing is, I'm not here to 'decide your fate' or whatever. I'm here to set you free. I'm a friend of... I mean, I know Rowan Slade. Come on."

Sebastian shook his head sadly, leaning agains the wall. His arms were chained to the walls either side of him. I looked out the door at Agent Lux and nodded. He pushed a button on the door, and Sebastian's chains fell loudly to the floor with a 'clang!' The sound reverberated around the Cell, echoing up the tunnel staircase.

"Sebastian," I said gently, moving towards him, "This is it. You are free."

He shook his head again, then said, "Are you telling me that the Enigma Council is beaten? That the Academy is no more? You can't be. I know there's a soldier just outside the door. How can I be free when the Council still stands? Is this what freedom feels like?"

I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting a response like that. He was right, though. As long as the Council was still around, there could be no freedom. "Sebastian, your friends need you. They need your help and you know why," I couldn't mention the rebellion with so many ears around, but I knew Sebastian would understand, "And... They miss you. Rowan, Tyler and Frankie... They all want to see you again. You owe it to them to at least see them one last time, even if you come straight back down here afterwards."

Sebastian lost the sadness in his eyes; it was replaced with the flickering of anger. And if I wasn't mistaken, the blue glow of his irises became brighter.

"You can't tell me what I owe them! Who even are you?"

I smirked, "What, you don't think I make a good angel of death?"

Sebastian didn't find it funny. His voice was even, but I could sense the searching, the curiousness, when he asked again, "Who are you?"

Ah yes, of course he'd heard about me. Of course he'd listened to the rumours. Of course he wanted to know if I was the one they'd been talking about. I smirked again, and bowed low to the ground in a majestic curtsey.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now