55. The Things We Never Said.

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"Are you awake?"

"Mostly," I mumbled.

The nurse, Mary Phillips, stood over me, making vague noises. I didn't bother to open my eyes.

"Is the baby...?"

"Happy and healthy," she replied, "Congratulations, Rowan. You're an uncle."

I smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm guessing the parents are having a moment?" I asked.

"For now, yes," Mary replied, "I'm sure you'll be allowed in, soon."

"Girl or boy?"



I opened my eyes to see Ace fast asleep in my lap, her head against my chest. She looked so peaceful, and my heart fluttered at seeing her in my hoodie, her legs tucked up and her hands resting delicately on my stomach. I resisted the urge to tense up, and tried to stay still.

"What time is it?" I asked Mary, who stood over me with two glasses of water. She passed one to me and placed the other on a small table, glancing at her watch.

"Ten-ish," she replied as I took a sip of water, "Zye said you two were fast asleep, so he went to pass the time drawing at the kitchen table. I gave him some pencils."

"How rebellious of you," I said shifting the slightest bit. Ace stirred, moving her hand into mine. I wondered if she would hear my thundering heartbeat.

Mary smiled down at Ace.

"She gets cuddly when she sleeps. How ironic."

"You mean because she'd rather gut you than hug you when she's awake?"

"Exactly," Mary said, glancing towards the kitchen to check on Zye, "She a fighter, that young lady."

"I don't know..." I said quietly, "I always thought she was soft."

I gently stroked her hair, catching the flowery smell as it tickled my nose.

"Do you like her?" Mary asked.

I glanced up at her. "Huh?"

"Nothing. I just thought you two looked so happy together," Mary shrugged, "Don't mind this meddling old woman."

"Yeah, I mean- yeah. I do like her, definitely," I said. Mary crouched, getting eye to eye.

"I mean more than that, Mr Slade. You're young, and that's okay - but so was I, once. These days of innocence will pass faster than you think. If you feel anything for her, you should let her know. Before you lose the chance."

I nodded, looking down at the girl who lay gently sleeping in my arms.

"Thanks, Mary, but I~" I hesitated. Was I about to say that I didn't feel that way about Ace? Had I told that lie so many times that it was habit now?

"I do feel something for Ace. I just... She doesn't trust me, like, at all."

"Can you blame her?" Mary asked, standing up, "I mean, you haven't exactly been Captain Trustworthy. You've done a lot of good for my family, and I can't thank you enough... But you've had your bad days, too."

"I know, Mary, but I try to do the right thing, and somehow it always ends up worse than before."

"Hey," she shrugged, "Don't beat yourself up. We've all done things we regret. And just between you and me... if she didn't trust you, she wouldn't fall asleep in your arms."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant