17. The Winter Solctice.

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Accident, accident, accident. That's what they called me. That's all I was to the wretched Council; a mistake- an experiment gone wrong.

I never asked for that. I never asked to be given the fs-ox serum. I never asked to be turned into a monster. Yet that was what they'd done, anyway. Taken me against my own will. Told me that I was special, that I was important. They'd said I was to become the 'Alpha'. They wanted me as leader of the prodigies. Who was I to argue?

When they'd taken me to the lab, sure, I was nervous- but I wasn't scared. After being dragged to the Academy, after leading the Rebellion into numerous fights, how could I be scared? I was the strongest person I knew.

But of course, I'd heard the rumours. Of course, I'd heard about the so-called 'Amelia Cassidy Earnest'- the one the Council had so desperately been searching for. But how could such a person exist? She'd have to be an angel. Powerful, unstoppable, and beautiful. Anything else, and she wouldn't be half the miracle we so desperately needed.

But like I said, how could such a person exist? Like, come on- that didn't even sound like a real name. There was no proof she was real at all. That was why the Council had used me. I was the closest candidate for the role of Alpha.

But I guess it didn't go how they'd expected.


"Sebastian Coby River, you are to come with me."

I looked up at the Commander, his eyes harsh and merciless.

"Seriously? Like, right now?" I asked, glancing back at my table of friends. Rowan raised a sceptical eyebrow, and Dallas looked horrified. The King twins exchanged concerned glances.

"Yes, right now!" he snarled, his gaze not leaving my face.

I rose slowly to my feet, taking a step back from the table. Suddenly Rowan jumped up, sending his chair tumbling backwards.

"Wait! Where are you taking him?" Rowan asked, his eyes wide. I'd never seen my friend look so frightened before; usually, he was so cool, so confident.

"That is none of your business, Mr Slade. Now take a seat," Kronin ordered.

Rowan was about to argue, but I looked him in the eye and gave a small nod.

'It's okay,' I mouthed. Rowan slowly sat down.

I followed Commander Kronin away from my friends, and towards the doors of the labs, in Building 23. I shivered as we walked. I was scared.

"Please, take a seat, Mr River," Kronin ordered. I sat down in the chair in the small office he had pointed to. "The President will be with you shortly."

I froze as the door swung shut. The President? As in, the President of the entire Enigma Council? The one behind the Academy I had been leading a rebellion against? The one responsible for the broken world we lived in?

I was proven correct as in walked the infamous leader.

"Sebastian River," the President boomed, "You have been chosen from among your fellow prodigies to take part in the Alpha Project."

I raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me that has nothing to do with werewolves."

The President was patient.

"The Alpha Project is far more tangible, I promise you that. You have been handpicked as the strongest, smartest and most skilled of all your fellow peers. You have been chosen to lead the prodigies, as the Alpha. With this comes great power and respect. You do want that, do you not?"

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora