8. Come At Me.

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Ace was quickly knocked unconscious. The two soldiers caught her, and the first one lifted her up and slung her weightless body over his shoulder. They marched out of the room and headed out into the daylight. If only Ace had been awake as she passed by the buildings of the Academy, and the many teenage eyes that watched her with confusion and curiosity.

"Wait, Ace!" Josh began, but a stern hand on his shoulder stopped him. He gulped as the commander stared him down with icy eyes. Josh quickly obeyed and was locked in cell 2, his mind already whirring with plans of escape.

Meanwhile, Rowan was thrown to the floor of a huge office. A handprint from a slap still remained faint on his cheek, and his breathing was fast. He glanced around the large room.

It was dark, musty and dramatic. The only light was that from the few skylights dotted in a line along the ceiling, penetrating the dark with clear beams of light. These lights followed the same path as a deep navy carpet that led from the door in a straight line, across to the large desk that sat ominously at the other end. At this desk, facing the octagonal window behind it, was a swivelling chair- no, throne, that turned slowly around upon the boy's entering.

The office of President X. The perfect cliché of a villain's headquarters.

"Welcome," said the Enigma Council leader in a voice that made Rowan feel rather unwelcome.

"Hardly," Rowan responded, climbing to his feet. He slowly walked the navy carpet path towards the desk. He stopped a safe few meters away. President X looked him up and down. Rowan smirked.

"Your lip is bleeding," said the leader, calm as ever. Rowan's eyebrows furrowed, and he smudged the blood away with the back of his arm. His lip was the least of his worries.

"I got in a fist-fight. You should see the other guy. What do you want?" Rowan demanded, his patience thin and his nerves turning to sarcastic wit.

"Actually, I wanted to thank you," the Council President smiled menacingly, "Without your help, we wouldn't have gotten the two fugitives so easily."

Rowan's gut turned, and his muscles clenched.

"Don't mention it," he said darkly, "Ever."

"Oh, Rowan," chided President X, "You seem like you almost regret helping me. Let me remind you that you are a valuable part of the Enigma Council Academy and that you have my protection. What have you to lose in retrieving the fugitives?"

Rowan felt like simply lifting his shirt to reveal the hideous wound on his chest, but bitterness spurred on his words before any action could be taken.

"My morals. My freedom. My dignity. My-"

President X cut him off with a wave of the hand.

"That's enough of your whining," said the impatient leader, holding out a key, "Now, your dorm room was left as it was. Your things are exactly how you left them before your mission. Retrieve your watch from the clinic, and then head back to your room. The schedule has changed, so you may want to check that for tomorrow's classes, however, I have been merciful enough to give you leave of the work today. Go."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now