62. 'Just Friends.'

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After a long day, the fights were finally over. They had gone in a blur, but not a fast one.

"Are you alright to get back to your room, Ace?" Josh asked unsurely. He gave me a worried look.

"I'll be fine," I said, flicking my hands to ease the pain in my knuckles, "That last shot was enough to get my head clear. But don't even think about any more needles."

"What's that, Ace?" Rowan cut in, "You don't like it when someone plays doctor on you?"

The glint in his eye was definitely not unlike a devil. He smiled sharply. I only rolled my eyes at him. I didn't have the energy for arguing. Also, I was worried about things I'd said when I was 'loopy.' Hopefully, he wouldn't repeat any of it.

It was late afternoon, and a dark, cloudy sky hung above, heavy with moisture, but not yet raining. The air felt warm, but I knew the cold was on our heels. I could feel it now, quick breaths of wind that made me shiver as I wound past glimmering glass buildings with people I had never hoped to call friends.

"I'll see you guys later," I said, about to depart towards building 8 to wash off and have a rest. Josh placed a pleading hand on my arm.

"Wait, I'll come with you. There's something I want to talk about..." he gave me a meaningful look, then glanced back at Rowan and added, "Camp-kid stuff. You wouldn't get it."

"Sure..." I agreed hesitantly. Josh smiled, giving Rowan a small wave as we walked off. Rowan merely quirked an eyebrow and wondered into the shadows. Weirdo. Sometimes I wished everyone could be as sunshiny as Tyler. Even if he was an awful planner.

"So what's this really about?" I asked Josh as we got in the elevator. A couple of other students were on, too, and he didn't reply until they got off on the third floor.

"Can't I offer a friend some company?" he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't be coy, Josh, it doesn't suit you. I don't want to be anyone's friend, and you know that."

Josh pouted a little. "I guess you're right," he said, "But I did always want to be your friend."

"And then you were just disappointed, I know," I said as we stepped out of the elevator onto level 8. We stopped in the hall as a student walked into their room. We began speaking again when we were alone.

"I'm sorry," Josh said quietly, his eyes swimming with sincerity, "I really am."

"For what? I'm sorry I'm not the hero you hoped I'd be," I said with a shrug.

"I'm sorry I haven't been the friend you needed," he said softly. I turned to him in shock, grasping his arms tightly in assurance.

"Josh, you have been a better friend than I could ever deserve. You're crazy if you can't see that. You've done more for me than I could have ever imagined."

"I'm glad you think so," he said with a smile.

"I do. And I will never forget it," I said, and we walked to my door. I didn't bother to unlock the door anymore, I just knocked a couple of times and Sebastian would answer it. But not today. I stood still.

"I wanted to give you this," Josh said, passing me a small note, "It's about tomorrow night. Everything is ready."

"Perfect," I said, shoving the note in my pocket, "Then I'll see you after the Championships!"

Josh smiled, took a step back, and then stepped forward again. He gave me a quick, awkward, hug, and then rushed off, calling, "See you soon!"

I smirked a little as I unlocked the door myself, and pushed it open. I stepped inside and kicked off my shoes, closing it behind me. Only then did I look up to see Sebastian sitting on the couch, staring at me with a serious expression.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now