40. In the Candlelight.

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I stared at the shimmering red dress in complete disgust. The high-heeled shoes and spread of makeup on Frankie's dresser didn't help, either. It looked amazing, true, but also highly intimidating.

"This is ridiculous," I groaned, "It's all a setup. There's no real democracy here. The Council will pick whoever they want to be the Alpha. Our votes don't matter."

I was still refusing to get dressed up for the 'ball' that night. We had at least an hour before we had to be there, and I just didn't see the point. Why wear makeup and unserviceable clothing when everyone knows what you look like, anyway? It just seemed shallow to me. Plus, I had no idea what 'primer' even was. Frankie, however, had insisted I come along and we get ready together, something about Tyler telling her to give me a chance... She seemed to be enjoying herself.

"You don't know that," Frankie said, adding thick black eyeliner over her eyes, "Maybe they're just trying to give us a chance. Maybe they actually want to know what we think."

"Yeah," I scoffed, "Maybe."

She picked up two dresses, one dusty pink and the other a lavender purple. "What do you think?" she asked, "Help me out here - I'm trying to be nice."

I smirked, wringing out my hair that was still damp from the shower I'd just had. I tilted my head at the dresses.

"Definitely that one," I said, pointing to the dusty pink, "The lavender looks bad."

Frankie smiled and continued piling on her makeup, leaving her 'dusty rose' dress sitting draped over a chair. I sat on her bed, cringing at the whole scene. Cringing, only until I was verbally objecting.
That verbal objection came in the form of me screaming bloody murder as Frankie chased me with a hair curler.

I could only wonder if the boys went through this much fuss.



"I'm not saying I would," Dallas explained, "But like... I would."

I laughed at him and continued fixing my turquoise tie. Ace had picked it out for me, telling me it would bring out my eyes. Dallas agreed whole-heartedly.

"Dallas, you sound extremely gay right now," Sebastian pointed out, stepping from the lounge in suit pants and a pale blue shirt.

Dallas laughed, gelling back his messy ringlets and buttoning up his dark purple shirt. "Everyone's a little gay," he scoffed.

"Equal rights!" Tyler yelled from the bathroom, only to walk out grinning like an idiot. He'd opted for a classic tuxedo, and looked like a penguin.

"Dude, that jacket is way too formal," Andy said from his place on the couch. He'd taken the least time out of all of us, wearing a dark grey shirt with a blue bowtie that matched his hair.

"Hey, this is stylish, okay?" Tyler defended himself, spiking up his short blond hair. My hair had once been a similar colour but was looking a bit darker now that it was longer. Dallas suggested I tie it up in a man-bun. I kindly refused.

"At least you don't have hair like mine," I complained, struggling to keep it out of my face.

"Bro. Problem solved," Dallas laughed, slapping a pile of gel in my hair. I tensed up as the cold goo dripped down my neck.

"That. Was. Not. Cool," I hissed, flicking it off. I combed back the rest of it and was surprised to find that it actually did work.

"Okay, you all look very pretty," Andy said sarcastically, "Now let's go."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now