76. With You.

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I was barely awake, but they took me, Rowan and Josh, they dragged me with them because I had to be part of this. It had to be us.

We were back in the crowds and the chaos and I realised that time must have dragged on in that cruel, dark building because people were still being milled into lines, the sirens still went off and the loud, robotic voice still commanded us to be calm.

I found myself back in Josh's room, exactly where he, Rowan and I had been before the sirens had sounded. As if those horrifying moments in President X's office had never occurred.

"Drink this," said Rowan, sliding a vial of liquid across the counter as he rummaged through the cabinets and drawers. He kept his voice steady, but could not hide the trembling of his hands. He threw a sheet of pills at me and said, "And might as well add two of those while you're at it."

I obeyed, downing my medicine without complaint as Josh crouched on the floor, fussing over his work on the bomb. I leant heavily on the bench, wondering about the President's office, wondering if anyone had gone in yet. Wondering what they would think when they saw her dead, with my name scrawled over the entire seen.

Bailey had whispered a small thanks to me before he'd left, and I knew why. He didn't want to be known as the one who killed the President because he hadn't wanted to. He'd done it for Rowan- for me.

My stomach was a knot of triumph and guilt, but even that I could feel melting away in the warm caress of the medicine and the power that flowed back into my veins. The energy was humming, sighing in whispers through my bones as if to say it missed me. What an evil, evil blessing.

"We're ready," said Tyler, his voice cold through the comclip. "Alex?"

"Ready. Rowan?"

Rowan tipped his collar towards his mouth, saying, "Ready. Josh?" He looked across the room.

"One second," said Josh, growing frustrated with whatever he was looking at. "Ace?"

"I'm ready. Feelin' great."

That was everyone. All the rebels, split up into groups with the Elites. Tyler and his group going one way, Josh soon to be with his and Frankie's groups following him, Alex in the place of Dallas. Outside the open window, the great Transporter ship groaned to life, waiting for the students to be brought on board. Once those lines disappeared into the Arena and the soldiers began counting them up, calling their names, they would realise just how many were missing- already hiding in the tunnels below. It wouldn't take them long to seek them out- to seek us all out.

"Josh?" I questioned, turning to the boy kneeling on the floor. He was sweating, brushing his long, wavy hair out of his eyes. I pulled a hair-tie off my wrist and tied the front of his hair back.

"It's not working!" he yelled suddenly, jumping up and kicking a chair.

"Josh! Calm down, it's okay!" I insisted, grabbing his shoulders and turning him to myself. I was surprised by my own strength, by the clarity of my mind.

"It'll be alright. I'll fix it," said Rowan, twisting the bomb his way, "You get to the tunnels."

"No!" Josh insisted, dropping back to his knees, "I'll fix it, it's fine. It's just this converter part!"
He hit said piece with the back of his hand. His white Council-issued watch made a small 'ding' sound. "The bomb is perfect, it's almost done. I just need more time!"

"We don't have time, Josh," I yelled back. I brushed Rowan's hand off the bomb and grabbed the converter, completely breaking it off.

"Ace!" Josh yelled. I grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him to his feet. He jumped back in shock, rubbing his wrists. My strength was completely back, as was my power. I may or may not have slightly zapped him.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu