68. Kill for One, Die for the Other.

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I walked slowly down the hallway, my eyes glassed over and my feet dragging. Gravity was so much stronger than it had ever been. The blaring sunlight hurt my eyes and my skin. I was still in my clothes from last night. I didn't care.

"You're actually using the front door for once, Ace?" asked a snide voice. I ignored Agent Lux as he fell into step behind me. "Cat got your tongue?" he asked. I gave him a glance and continued on my way. "Ace!" he yelled, "Answer me!"

"What do you want from me?" I asked, glaring at the young Agent.

He stepped back in surprise, shaking his head. "What's going on, Ace?" he asked. I glanced at my watch. 10:23 am.

"Someone escaped this morning," I said, sniffing. It didn't make a difference if I told him now. There was nothing anyone could do. "He climbed over the wall and nobody stopped him."

"How!?" Bailey exclaimed, his eyes going wide, "That's impossible! The shield would fry anyone who got close enough, let alone someone who actually touched the wall."

"Not impossible for Sebastian," I said, still on my journey.

"The Accident," Agent Lux said, pensive, "He's the one who escaped?"

"Bingo!" I laughed harshly. Agent Lux swore. It ran in the family.

"Someone has to tell the President," he decided.

"Not my problem."

I left him in the dust, flustered and confused. He could deal with his problems himself. I took the elevator up Building Seven. I walked down the hall until I found Josh's room. I glanced at the door opposite. Number 23; Rowan's room. I turned away and knocked on Josh's door.

"Come in," called his quiet voice. I opened the door and hesitated when I saw him, curled up on the couch; he looked exhausted.

"Are you alright?" Josh asked, standing up to come over to me. He left wrapped me in his arms.

"I'm alright," I said quietly, fighting off the urge to break down. Josh released me and held me at arm's length.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Sebastian. He left. I don't know what to think," I said, my eyes low, "It just doesn't seem right. Nothing does."

"What do you mean, he left? How?" Josh asked, his eyes wide with the hope of escape. I only shook my head, crushing his spirit as my tears started to fall.

"He got himself out - didn't even attempt to help anyone. He's gone," I hissed bitterly. I wanted to be mad, but it hurt too much.

Josh hugged me again, pressing a small kiss on my head. "It'll be alright," he whispered, "I promise you."

I stepped back, locking my jaw. "No," I said, "I promise you; we will get out of here."

Josh smiled just the slightest bit and gave me a nod. "Let me tell Tyler and Frankie. I'm going with them to visit Andy in a little while," Josh said gently, "Want to come?"

I shook my head. "No thanks... I~" I couldn't help but notice the way his stormy eyes wavered, "I've got something else I have to do."

I left him with the news and closed the door behind me. I stared across the hall at Rowan's room for a long time. I could hear sounds beyond the door. Him, shuffling about inside, going about his life as if he hadn't betrayed us. How could he live with himself, knowing what he'd done? Knowing that he'd caused all this pain?

Suddenly the door opened. Rowan looked at me for a moment, confused.

"Ace? I was just going to go the bridge... Do you want to come? Talk a little?" he offered. I only backed away, my head slowly shaking.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora