52. "History" and Chemistry ;)

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I was surrounded by light and sound, drumbeats pounding and coloured lights swirling. Then Ace walked in the door.

"She came," I laughed, shoving my way past a couple who were busy exchanging saliva.

"Rowan, I don't know if you recall this, but you kind of manipulated her into coming. Also, she hates you," said Axel, one of the boys from Dallas' gang. He tried to stop me, but I pushed further through the crowd, dodging elbows and heels as people jumped and twisted to the blaring music. It was hard to make out full figures in the flashing coloured lights, but I found Ace by the door, wide-eyed but not unhappy. Sebastian was looking away from me, but I grabbed him and yanked him in my direction before Ace could spot me.

"She actually wanted to come?" I yelled over the noise. I wasn't drunk, but I almost felt like I was. I was high on life. I had no idea why.

Sebastian shook his head, intentionally in time with the beat. "She didn't question it. I think you riled her up."

I laughed. "You heard about that?"

Sebastian shoved me in the chest. I fell back into someone who couldn't care less.
"Yeah, I did; you're a jerk!" he laughed.

I gestured in Ace's direction. "It worked, didn't it? Now she's here to prove something. To actually DO something."

Ace stood beside Adeline Thomas, her eyes glistening in the strange lighting. She looked tense, but there was a small smile on her lips.

"Surely there was a better way," Sebastian replied, bouncing slightly on his feet. He had a huge smile on his face.

"I'm sure it would have worked really well if I'd asked her nicely," I yelled sarcastically.

"You never know!" laughed Sebastian, closing his eyes for a moment and letting the music overtake him. Just like old times.

"I do know, actually," I said, "Probably better than anyone."


"It was my job!"

"And it's not anymore. So stop hanging around or she'll fall in love with you," Seb joked.

"She hates me," I said flatly, "There's no risk of that."

"Don't play dumb, Ro," Sebastian winked, "You've always been the heartthrob."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said honestly.

"I know!" he laughed. "That's what makes this so fun."

"...But I'll take it as a compliment and not beat you senseless for it," I finished.

"Good," he yelled back, "Now why not see if you can make amends with our new Alpha. Wouldn't want her to be the one beating you senseless."

"Are you suggesting I apologise? Never!"

"Rowan!" interrupted Dallas, jumping onto my back. I flung him around to the floor and yelled a curse or two. I seriously had to start watching my tongue. "Rowan, you savage- what are you two doing? Where's the drinks? The dancing?" Dallas yelled, climbing to lean on Sebastian for support. His voice was slurred and loud.

"Rowan is going to talk to Ace," Sebastian said, stopping his dancing to hold up Dallas.

"Don't get into trouble with Tyler's girl, Ro," Dallas warned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I could only imagine what sort of 'trouble' he was referring to.

"Tyler's girl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Dallas nodded matter-of-factly.

"Trust me," I promised, "I won't get into any 'trouble' with Ace."

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now