13. I Don't Like People.

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I woke up, rubbing my eyes gently. The soft bed covers engulfed me, and the room was warm and cozy. I'd spent all day yesterday in this room, fiddling with the controls and different things, and getting comfortable.


I opened my eyes, looking up at a blurry figure.

Tall... Male... Blond hair...


The figure stepped back and shook his head. "No, I'm Tyler," he corrected me, then turned and yelled, "Josh, she's awake!"

I blinked a few times and my vision cleared. It was now obvious that it wasn't Josh; this new face had sharp features and was taller than Josh, too. His eyes were a strong blue, as opposed to Josh's grey ones. A girl of similar features stood beside the first, watching me expectantly. I recoiled slightly under the covers. Why were there strangers in my room?

"Finally. I thought you'd never get up," Josh said, walking in from my kitchen. That's right, my kitchen.

"What's going on? Who are they? I don't like people, why are there people here?" I asked, looking at the two blonde-haired, blue-eyed trespassers.

"I'm Tyler King," said the boy, his blue eyes shining excitedly, "And super excited to meet you. That's Frankie."

I smiled in return but didn't get out of bed. The two were clearly siblings, maybe even twins, and both were of similar personalities- proud, determined and strong; the way most prodigies held themselves.

"We're friends, not foes, in case you didn't guess," Tyler added. I nodded understandingly. I immediately took a liking to the King siblings. They both had a confident air about them, but without the arrogance that someone like Rowan possessed. They were both very cheerful, although Tyler appeared more out-going than his sister. The female also seemed to have a bit of an edge about her that didn't quite sit right with me.

"Excuse you, I'd like to have a look at our new recruit. Now, move over," said Frankie. She stepped passed Tyler with an eyebrow raised sceptically. "This is the one you were talking about, Rowan? She looks like a comfy blanket-burrito."

She pulled back the covers and dragged me to my feet. Thank goodness my pyjamas were decent. Immediately the twins started walking circles around me, looking me up and down. I clung my pillow to my chest in nervousness. That was when I noticed Rowan in the corner, leaning casually against the wall. The guy annoyed the heck out of me, but I was relieved to see him. Somehow my little group wasn't complete without him. It had to be all three of us; after all, he had helped Josh and I escape, even if it was in vain. The three amigos- musketeers, whatever. Me, Josh and Rowan. Rowan, Josh and me.

"I don't like her," said Frankie decided, shaking her head disapprovingly. I grinned.

"She'll surprise you. Just wait," Josh said from behind her.

"I can hear everything you're saying," I pointed out, adding, "Hello, I'm Ace. But I guess you already knew that."

"Yeah, pretty much everyone knows who you are," Tyler explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "Everyone, you say?"

Frankie nodded, "Of course- everyone's talking about you. You're the infamous Ace."

I shook my head, "Me? Are you kidding?" What had I done to deserve any fame?

"We're not joking, Ace," Tyler explained, "You're the talk. The word on the street. Everyone's talking about the girl who mocked the Lieutenant when she arrived; the one who incapacitated Agent's Lux and Barkley, who defied Commander Kronin. And you are the girl who survived the Academy's strongest threat- to be dropped from building 12- are you not?"

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now