56. Someone Will Die.

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It is hard to believe that a few walls could change everything. That being trapped in a place could be all it takes to make you hate it. But as I stared at the towering white walls that held me and my friends captive, my rage felt justified.

"Ace, where are you going?" called a warm and familiar voice.

"To get some real clothes on, actually," I replied, gesturing down at my pyjama shorts, and Rowan's hoodie that I still wore. It was almost lunchtime by now, and I had to appear in class before people started asking questions.

"I'll come with you," Josh said, jogging over, "I wanted to talk to you, anyway."

I allowed him to join me as I made my way through the Academy, my legs sore from so much walking that morning.

"What do you think they'll name the baby?" I asked flippantly. I'd already filled him in on this morning's details.

"I don't know," he replied, "But Agent Lux will stop at nothing to ensure his safety."

"He thinks I'm going to escape," I said. "We made a deal; he keeps quiet about Zye, so long as I bring Rosemary and the baby when I escape. Such an assumption, thinking I'm going to escape."

"Aren't you?" Josh asked. I paused my walking, pondering over his sly smile.

"What are you suggesting? You know the rebel mission isn't an escape plan, and I'm not invited, anyway."

Josh shrugged. "I thought you weren't the type to take orders from your inferiors, Alpha," he said, emphasising the word 'Alpha' just a little too much.

"Well, actually," I replied with a smirk, "I did have one idea I was thinking about pulling off... But you're sworn to secrecy on this."

"Ace, really? I'm hurt," Josh replied, "I think you'll remember that I was the one to join you on your secret meeting with Lux. That I'm the one who's been by your side since the start. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"How could I forget?" I mused. That was the night I had met Whisp. Even that seemed to have happened in a past life. Time had sped up to a blur.

I spoke in hushed tones as I relayed my plan to Josh, continuing slowly down the path. I had never wanted him to be a close friend but somehow, I found myself trusting him. He really had been with me since the start.

Josh looked thoughtful as I let the idea sit with him. "We only have a few days," he said, "The rebel mission we planned is on the night of the final Tournament. Tyler thought everyone would be distracted by the championships enough for us to sneak into building one."

"But he didn't account for the fact that any of us could be in the fights," I said woefully, "I knew there was a reason it wasn't sitting right with me - and not just because I was uninvited. The plan is too faulty. Tyler can get a crowd rallied; even psyche them up. But he's not a strong enough leader. Or a planner, for that matter. Neither is Sebastian. With them in charge, someone will get hurt."

It didn't feel like enough. I spoke again. "Someone will die." Better wording.

"Then we have to convince him- convince them all- that we need to use your plan; simple!" Josh said.

I shook my head. "Not that simple. All the rebels would side with Tyler and Sebastian over me, any day. And those two have already made up their minds. I'm not allowed to come."

"I can convince them to push back the time and execute the plan at nightfall," Josh promised, "And they won't have to know it's you."

"How will we manage that?" I asked. I was pretty sure Tyler could spot me from a mile away. Josh smiled wistfully at the sky, still walking in the right direction.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora