41. Playing With Fire

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I had a million thoughts rushing through my head. Mostly I wondered, 'How?'

"But... My mother... My father... Eve and Zye," I whimpered. Rowan shook his head.

"They might be your family, Ace. But not by blood. It was just luck that you look a bit like them. And... If you don't believe me, you can ask Serena."

I was frozen stiff. "My... mother?"
Rowan pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes, tilting back and breathing slowly. He was stressed. Pfft. Served him right.

"Yes, Ace. Your mother. Or- your adoptive mother. I can co-"



"I said no. I don't want to hear it. It's too much. I can't believe it. I won't believe it."

Rowan paused, working his jaw. His eyebrows were set.

"You sent Tyler away with a start. What was that all about?" he asked randomly.

I shrugged, looking out at the darkness. At least he was changing the subject.
The sounds of the party sounded behind me, distant chatter, the faint music.

"He wanted to go and dance, I just encouraged him," I shrugged.

Rowan groaned and grabbed my shoulder, twisting me around to look at him.
"Ace, just stop with the mystery. I know who you are. There's no point trying to hide anymore."

I clenched my teeth. I couldn't look him in the eyes, instead, I stared at his jaw- it was about eye level anyway.
"Yeah, congratulations. I'm Amelia Cassidy Earnest. Surprise," I said curtly.

Rowan tilted to look at me, his brown eyes boring into mine. "No, I mean I know who you really are. I know your name... Even if you don't."

I decided the conversation had to end.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, "I let Tyler go because I realised he isn't who I thought he was. That's all. Now get off my case."

Rowan shrugged, turning around to lean on the balcony railing. The breeze ruffled his light brown hair- which had begun to turn gold as the days went by. It was almost the colour of honey now, as opposed to almost black. It was different; likeable. I didn't want to leave, even if I was annoyed with him.

"So.I know there's no way you'll dance with me," Rowan said slowly, "But do you want to go and burn something?"

He held up a match, twisting it in his fingers then passing it to me. I loved fire. It was an offer I couldn't refuse.

Smiling, I took the match and nodded. Now, what chaos could we cause?



"I feel like I've just given my last match to a pyromaniac," I said jokingly, leading Ace through the crowds inside the hall. Her eyes blazed brighter than any fire we could make.

"I don't know what that means," she said as we pushed into the corner, surrounded by the draping navy curtains, "But I disagree."

I laughed, leaning against the curtained wall and tilting my head to look at her.

"You're such a cliché," I scoffed. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"How? I'm an original little snowflake!" Ace giggled. I paused. Ace... Giggled? There was something about this scene that brought out the best in her. It was kind of enchanting.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now