51. A Different World.

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It took a while for the crowd to settle and people to slowly dribble out of the meeting.

"What's your plan, Alpha?" asked a voice behind me. I'd been answering similar questions all evening, but usually, they were from the front.

"I'm sorry Liam... You should've been chosen," I said. He laughed and shook his head vigorously.

"Don't even joke. I'm the least qualified person for the job. My friends nominated me as a dare. I wanted you to win."

I smiled. "Then thank you," I shook his hand, "I'll try to impress you."

"No need to try," he said with a grin, "Word of you is spreading Like crazy. Is it true that you got to see President X?"

My mouth suddenly grew dry at the thought. I swallowed hard and realized that maybe it was time to reclaim the toughness that I had once worn like armor.

"Yes, I was called in to see the President. And apparently, the Academy is set up to train us for the journey to Upper City. And the reason for having an Alpha is to have a role model for everyone else."

I didn't know why I felt like I needed to explain myself, perhaps it was Liam Edward's strange meekness or the way he tilted his head like a bird as he spoke. Either way, he desired answers, and for the first time in an eternity, I would gladly give them.

"Do you believe that? It's just for the training and there won't be a war?" he asked quietly. It was the rebellion that insisted war was coming. I looked around. Nobody else was listening. Was he part of the rebellion?

"You're expecting a war?" I asked suspiciously.

He shrugged. "It only seems fitting. Semper ad meliora, you know."

I smiled. Semper ad meliora. It was the rebellion's catchphrase, which Tyler had told me meant, 'always toward better things.'

"I know," I said, and he breathed a small sigh of relief, "I'll see you later?"

He nodded; he would be there at the rebel's meeting before sunrise.

"It's about time the Alpha met her people," Liam called as we parted ways.

He was right. I needed to meet my people.



Tyler had a bad habit of getting easily attached to things. As a kid, he had a collection of stuffed toys, blankets and lucky charms that he would swear his undying love to, then lose or break somewhere along the lines and totally get over it.

"She's amazing," he whispered for the millionth time, sitting on the back of a plastic chair with his feet on the seat bit, "Absolutely amazing."

"Yep, uhuh- we get it. Now can we leave?"

The meeting had been over for almost an hour now, but still, we waited for her Royal Stubbornness to quit talking to people and exit the stage.

"Just wait, Frank. I want to wait for her," Tyler insisted. I frowned, crossing my arms and sinking lower in my seat. Tyler sensed my grumpiness and gave me his attention. "Fraaaank,"

"Stop calling me that."

"But that's what I've always called you."

"I don't like it anymore."

Tyler gave me a look of concern. "Frankie what's going on?" he asked gently, using the voice he always did when I was hurt or sad.

"Nothing, it's just... Unfair," I replied, my voice squeaking.

Behind the Walls. NOVEL By Claire Darcy.Where stories live. Discover now